School Council Update

This summary is of the School Council meeting on 31 July.


School Council has been focussing on the second half of the 2023 school year, as well as planning for 2024. Spring is approaching fast and it is a busy time as we start the school events season. Once again, the famous FPS Trivia night has been held to great success and ART FOR ALL is on the horizon.


At the July meeting we have discussed and approved school camps for Years 5 and 6, and looked at the progress in the development of the FPS Reconciliation Action Plan. Many of these social and co-curricular activities rely on volunteers from the school community. If you are interested in contributing to the school community, there is no better way than getting involved. Please look out for opportunities in the newsletter.


Thank you to our amazing teaching staff and parents for the recent parent/teacher interview sessions. The feedback received has been very positive with parents welcomed back into the classroom, as well as supporting those needing to have their sessions remotely. 


~ Daniel Freer, School Council Treasurer & Parent Representative