From the Principal

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Mazenod College,


Last week, Fr Joe Antony OMI, Mrs Annamaria Cream, Mr Chris Newman and I were participants in the annual De Mazenod Family Education Network Staff Conference, this year held in Brisbane. The conference was attended by staff, Rectors and Principals from St Eugene College Qld, Mazenod College Vic, Mazenod College WA and Iona College Qld, privileged also to be joined by our Provincial Fr Christian Fini OMI

We were enlightened about the History of the Oblates, a focus on the life of St Eugene and our Oblate Founders, the challenges in our contemporary context and drawing comparisons to the challenges faced by St Eugene and the need to build resources to better understand our shared charism.


The De Mazenod Family Education Network was established in 2022 as part of the broader network, the De Mazenod Family. Anyone connected to the colleges, primary schools, parishes and mission work are always invited to learn more about these associations by accessing the following websites: and


During the conference, Fr Fini announced the appointment of Fr Michael Twigg OMI to the role of Rector at our College in July 2024. We will also welcome the new Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes, Lesmurdie, Fr Mathew Raj OMI, who will reside in the Oblate community at the College in the coming months. We are delighted with these appointments, to ensure and enhance the presence of Oblates at Mazenod College for many more years and we look forward to welcoming Fr Mathew and Fr Michael at the time of their respective arrivals. Whilst saddened that Fr Joe Antony OMI will be relocating to Iona College as their new Rector, we will enjoy his company until July next year and will thank him appropriately at that time for his contributions to our College community.


In exciting sporting news this week, I was delighted to witness our Senior Soccer team taking out the School Sport WA Champion Schools Grand Final with a dominant 2-1 win over Darling Range Sports College. The boys were superbly coached by Mr Dave Devon, assisted by Mr Chris Mason throughout the season and were supported by a large contingent of Mazenod students, parents, family and Oblates at the final. More pleasing than the win was the manner in which the boys conducted themselves in a tense second half when opposition tempers flared – our community characteristics of Courage & Passion, Excellence and most notably, Respect & Dignity, really shone through.

I had the enormous privilege of attending the Year 11 Leadership Camp this week and engaging with those Year 11 students entering the next phase of selection for a leadership role in 2024. It was for me, another reminder of the calibre and character of our students and the quality of engagement and breadth of opportunities provided throughout all aspects of our College.


Over this past fortnight, we hosted celebrations for our Fathers and Fatherly figures with our Fathers and Friends breakfast, Father’s Day Mass and morning tea. Thank you to those who were able to attend, another example of the dedication of our College community to acknowledging the influential roles and engagement of our family, parents and significant others in our lives.


"Accomplish the great work that God has entrusted to us.".

(St Eugene de Mazenod).

R U OK? Day

“R U OK?Day 2023 is Thursday 14  September and is our national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to  ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about might be struggling with life”. (


The College looks forward to promoting RUOK? day next Thursday 14 September in a variety of ways including, but not limited to, a host of activities in and around the College and Cebula House and a combined Mazenod & St Brigid’s College Picnic. For our parents and staff, the U-Bean Cart will be out in the morning offering a complimentary coffee or hot chocolate and a custom homemade Mazenod RUOK? cookie at the front carpark.


God bless.


Simon Harvey
