Teaching and Learning 

Mrs Kylie Middlemiss - Assistant Principal

Celebrating Our Learning

Maths Talent Quest Results


This year students across Years 3-6 showing strong mathematical skills were invited to participate in the Maths Talent Quest, run by the Mathematical Association of Victoria. These selected students were invited to submit either an individual or team mathematical investigation of their choosing.

The topics for investigation were open for the students to select, and we had a wide variety of topics, some of which included: 


“How much would it cost to build and maintain a residential swimming pool for a year?” (Aarush and Deeshan, Year 3)


“How much does it cost to rent an apartment for 10 years?” (Xavier, Year 4)


“What is the fastest and most eco-friendly car?” (Dominik, Oliver and Jaeden, Year 5)


“Travelling Australia” (Georgia, Year 6)


We have recently received our school results which has been extremely exciting! Out of 41 submissions we have achieved outstanding results, including 12 Distinction and 8 High Distinction awards!


Each entry was judged at least twice, and in some instances three times. Awards were carefully allocated based across an average judging score and individual discretion. All students should be proud of the work completed!


All students awarded High Distinctions have been invited to attend the awards ceremony at RMIT in Term 4 to receive their certificates. 


We are so proud of all our students and the mathematical investigations they presented. Well done!


A special thank you to Sasha Goss and the Numeracy PLT at Karoo for the work that went in to organising and assessing the different investigations, both from our own school and from other schools across the state.



Staff PLC Inquiry Cycles


Just as our students have continued their learning journey across the term, the staff at Karoo Primary School have continued to set examples of life-long learning throughout Term 3. We are continuously striving to use student data to ask questions and improve not only our teaching practice, but ultimately student outcomes. We do this at Karoo through the work of Professional Learning Communities, and the PLC Inquiry Cycles each term that we move through.


This week staff gathered together to share and celebrate the PLC’s inquiry cycles for Term 3. The teachers have embarked on these cycles from a shared commitment to enhance student outcomes and elevate the quality of education provided at the school. PLC’s review student assessment data and identify a ‘crumb’ – a small specific piece of data that we can set a goal towards improving. We do this by setting goals, becoming more knowledgeable in the area and implementing strategies to improve student achievement. At the end of the process the cycle’s success is evaluated and next steps planned for – and the cycle begins again!


At the end of each term the teaching staff come together to celebrated and share the work their PLC has undertaken across the term. As a new staff member to Karoo this was my first opportunity to see these celebrations from Foundation – Year 6 and the Specialist team, and I must say how proud I was of the professionalism, collegiality and curiosity our staff display on a daily basis. 

The sessions were filled with inspiration and innovation, setting the stage for continued excellence in education at Karoo Primary School.         


See you around the school,


Kylie Middlemiss

Acting Assistant Principal

Teaching and Learning