Specialist Update

Performing Arts

Performing Arts News


We have had such an exciting start to the term in Performing Arts. We have been fortunate enough to have each class participate in a drumming workshop with Brianna and Georgia from In The Grove. These sessions were engaging, informative and fun. The students explored rhythmic patterns from Ghana. They created wonderful music as a team and explored West African percussion instruments.




Last week the junior students eagerly attended our makeshift theatre to see the performances of the puppet shows created by our senior classes. The shows were exciting and engaging and showcased the wonderful creative talents we have at Our Ladys. It was brilliant to see everyone engaged and all performing their parts in the show with confidence.

Senior students have commenced researching traditional music from around the world. They are creating projects on keynote and will present these to their class mates in the coming few weeks.


The junior students have been playing and singing along to traditional music from around the world and exploring these influences today.


Finally, we will commence our topic on orchestral music in Week 8 -this will culminate in a whole school excursion to see the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra at the Wangaratta Performing Arts Centre in the first week of Term Four.


An exciting few weeks ahead!


Have a wonderful week,


Brigid Malcolm