School Awards

Attendance, Student of the Week, Specialist, School Values Awards

Each week we celebrate the amazing achievements and successes of our students. These awards are an acknowledgement of their hard work, resilience and determination to do the very best they can!

The below students will receive their awards during next week's assembly.

Assembly will be held on a Thursday morning at 9am in the amphitheatre (weather permitting) or the BER gymnasium.

Attendance Awards

Attendance at school is pivotal to creating ongoing positive learning behaviours. Engaging in school every day provides the very best opportunity for a child's holistic development - social, physical, intellectual, cultural and emotional growth. The graph below represents all student absences.

Congratulations to Dream Team - 3B14who will be receiving the 'Attendance Award' for having the highest attendance percentage for Term 3 Week 8

Student of the Week

Term 3 Week 8


Congratulations to the following students who have received a 'Student of the Week' award. 

StudentHome GroupAwarded for
TanyaMindful Munchkins - FZ8Working hard learning her letter sounds and heart words. Tanya has been persevering with her reading and is n ow blending CVC words! Well done Tanya, I hope you are proud of your hard work!
GideonBrainy Bees - FJ10Settling so well into the rules and routines of the classroom. Giedon joined our class this term and has displayed wonderful kindness and respect towards his peers. Gideon also tries his best in every task. Keep up the great work Giedon!
ShajikaConfident Crew - 1R6Having a growth mindset in every Maths session by setting herself a challenging goal and working hard to achieve success.
FelixPowerful Pride - 1J7Always going above and beyond in his work and demonstrating an amazing wealth of knowledge about different topics. Felix has also demonstrated improved active listening skills when sitting on the floor.
PrincePersistent Pod - 2P11Settling into Maramba and showing our school values by being a kind and Responsible friend.
AxelHard Working Hive - 2B12Working hard to complete his work and show the school values. Axel has continued to try his best this week, focusing on showing Responsibility.
BushraDream Team - 3B14The effort she is putting into all of her work recently. You are showing great RESPONSIBILITY in how you try to stay focused while working hard, Bushra. Well done!
Haley, Jay & IggyCreative Crew - 3T16Working diligently and as a productive team member on their Discovery solution. This group have devoted their lunchtime to developing their Discovery solution to a high standard.
SyrusLearning League - 4R13For actively taking on feedback in order to improve the quality of his work.
SabrinaTalented Team - 4C15Always taking initiative of your learning and making helpful choices that benefit not only yourself, but others around you also. You show great Responsibility in and out of classroom!
MiladThe Dream Believers - 5/6W20

For showing good relationships and working as a part of a team. This has helped you to complete set work and  further develop your understanding.

Keep up the great work! 


Specialist Awards

Congratulations to the following students and classes who have received a 'Specialist' award. 


Mason - Confident Crew - 1R6

For displaying outstanding drawing skills when sketching your beetle. your attention to details and proportion is exceptional. Congratulations!


Harviniah - Learning League - 4R13

For the growth I have seen in your approach to work in the classroom. You have developed great responsibility and pride in your tasks, showing leadership skills in your performance group and applying yourself to the lessons. I am so impressed with your attitude and spirit. Well done Niah! Keep up the excellent work!


Creative Crew - 3T16

For their enthusiasm and hard work planning our pizza party. All students have demonstrated a high level of autonomy as they engage in tasks, remain consistently focused, efficient, and productive throughout the process. Well done Creative Crew!


TheirCare Award

Congratulations to the following student who have received a 'TheirCare' award.


Jaxon - Mindful Munchkins - FZ8

Jaxon, you have an absolute heart of gold. You have spent the last few weeks making a real effort to make much better decisions. I am so proud of the way you have handled some really hard things that have been thrown your way. You have shown maturity beyond your years. Keep up the amazing work.