Visual Art 

At Mackellar Primary School term 3 has seen the launch of a Visual Art competition, where all students had an opportunity to create an artwork based around Australia and what it meant to them. 


As well as using the art work of the author and artist, Alison Lester , students focused on their knowledge of the colour theory, line and making marks on a page to create an artwork.


Students worked on their pieces and their final artwork was judged by the school’s student leaders. They grouped the art into year levels and house colours. The finalist selected by the student leaders were, displayed at the school’s production, ‘Great Southern Land’.


Sally Wilson 

Visual Art Teacher 


Isabella 6A Green
Alysha 4A Green
Johnson 4A blue
Miguel 3A Yellow
Aivyan 4B Yellow
Katie 3A Red
Aliah 6A Yellow
EJ 6C Blue
Jacob 5B Red
Chorlia 2A Green
Inaya 1A Green
Mani. 2A Yellow
Adelina PB Red
Dylan PA Green
Isabella 6A Green
Alysha 4A Green
Johnson 4A blue
Miguel 3A Yellow
Aivyan 4B Yellow
Katie 3A Red
Aliah 6A Yellow
EJ 6C Blue
Jacob 5B Red
Chorlia 2A Green
Inaya 1A Green
Mani. 2A Yellow
Adelina PB Red
Dylan PA Green