What's Happening In Our Classroom

Term 3 has been a very busy and productive one with lots happening in our classrooms. 



We began the term with a focus on explanation texts.  Students learnt about the structure and purpose of explanation texts.  They read about how rainbows are formed and how earthquakes occur and about the water cycle.  Students wrote their own explanation texts using time connectives, causal language, conjunctions and complex sentences. 


We are currently learning about information texts and researching scientists whose inventions or discoveries changed the world such as Marie Curie and Jonas Salk.  From this research, the students have composed information reports with topic sentences, subheadings and visual literacy. 



The Grade 6 students have been completing LAF (Learning and Assessment Framework) activities which aim to support multiplicative thinking. Alongside the activities in LAF, students have been discovering the properties of 3D objects using nets, discovering the formula for area and solving perimeter problems.  Students have been rolling the dice and conducting chance experiments and using the probability scale to determine the probability of events occurring. 


Classroom Systems: 

Students used agency and voice to create classroom behaviour expectations across the grade 6 cohort.  Much fun has been had collecting Buzz awards and spinning the ‘Prize Wheel’ for rewards. 


Future Focused Learning (FFL)

This term our Inquiry topic is Physical and Chemical Science.  Students conducted experiments and wrote scientific reports to document their experiments.  An incursion by Supreme Incursions on physical science consolidated the students learning. 


The students showcased their learning by singing and dancing in our whole school Production ‘Great Southern Land’ at Taylor Lakes Reception Centre last week.  We are extremely proud of our Grade 6 students who once again modelled our four school values Respect, Resilience, Teamwork and Learning. 


Judy Tanner 6A

Kerry Pasharis 6B

Anthony Michielin 6C