Awards & Recognitions

Empowering Global Citizens

Students of the Week

Monday 4th & 11th September

Name  GradeComment NameGrade  
Johnny4BFor persevering during our Numeracy lessons this week and learning how to use the area model to solve 2 digit multiplication problems. Dylan3A

his enthusiastic approach to learning Italian. Dylan is a cooperative team member and is always willing to help others in class.

Bravo Dylan!

Sina3BSina was resilient in Visual Art when she persevered  with the task and produced a great artwork sample of positive and negative design. Eden-Breeze1AEden was a fantastic team member , demonstrating teamwork when she helped anther student with their art smock.
Elias1AAfter the completion of a well thought out and prepared Data Poster, Elias still asked for advice on any improvements he could make or things he might have missed. What enthusiasm! Johnson 4AShowing excellent teamwork skills by leading our class in the production item. You have done an amazing job learning our dance routine.Thank You and Well Done Johnson!
YusraPrep Balways putting maximum effort in the classroom. Keep up the amazing work Yusra!  Miguel 3Ashowing the value of Teamwork by supporting his peers and working collaboratively. Well done Miguel!
Isaac3BDemonstrating the value of resilience by choosing a growth mindset when completing information reports. Isaac always chooses to challenge himself during learning time! Excellent work Isaac!!  Meesam 5BFor confidently adapting to different learning situations and accepting responsibilities. You always contribute your ideas and understandings and enjoy giving and receiving feedback from your teachers and peers.Congratulations Meesam!
Linus6Bdisplaying resilience by persisting with all learning tasks.   Keep up the great effort Linus.  Deandre Prep Btrying his best in practicing the prep song and making sure everyone around him is doing the right thing. Great teamwork Deandre! 
Ethan4ABeing a respectful student who always listens to others ideas and raises his hand when he wants to contribute to group discussions.Well Done Ethan! Anthony 4BFor displaying the value of Teamwork when participating in our school production. Anthony actively and enthusiastically participated in each practice of our performance in the classroom leading up to our big night!
Amelia4AShowing resilience by easily settling into a new school environment and building positive friendships with her peers.Well Done Amelia! Zyanya 6AFor being a fair minded and empathetic student who always considers and includes others. This week's pupil of the week is awarded to Zyanya Vui. Congratulations, Zyanya.
Vincent5AWell done to Vincent on taking initiative and making sure to be on time everyday this week. Your resilience and willingness to try harder is shining through everything you do. Well done Vincent! Aiden 6Bworking collaboratively with his peers during our egg experiment by sharing resources and listening to others.  Keep up the great teamwork Aiden!
Levi 5BFor making positive choices to attempt various tasks and waiting patiently before seeking assistance. You have perservered and used your strengths to do your best and accept changes to self regulate your learning. Congratulations Levi! Hung 2BCongratulations Hung on being a great team player as you danced with your classmates at Production. We are so proud!
JaydenPrep Ahaving a smile on your face, even when faced with difficult tasks.Bravo Jayden! Bella 2ABella, what a way to start at Mackellar School! You have done such a wonderful job of being part of a team in our school production and have very quickly learnt all your dance steps. Well done, what a great achievement! 
Julian3Ashowing resilience by focusing on his writing and challenging himself. Well done Julian! Star Jesus4BStar and Faiq have been sharing a class iPad throughout the term and constantly show great co operation and understanding as they produce some great coding work with the Scratch programs.
Zara02ABeing a kind, respectful and cooperative member of our class. Congratulations Zara! Faiq 4BFaiq and Star have been sharing a class iPad throughout the term and constantly show great co operation and understanding as they produce some great coding work with the Scratch programs.
VO Zara02ABeing a kind, respectful and cooperative member of our class. Congratulations Zara! Siddig 6CHe has shown his leadership and teamwork skills through, guiding and working with others to solve problems set in class.
Julian02ADemonstrating the value of resilience by attempting to solve problems independently before seeking help. Great job Julian! Kaity Prep Aalways helping others in the classroom. Keep up the amazing work Kaity! 
ian02ADemonstrating the value of resilience by attempting to solve problems independently before seeking help. Great job Julian! Jayden 5Ayour effort and teamwork during our production preparation, you had a great positive and supportive attitude!
Mleat06AFor maintaining focus on positive outcomes and building resilience when approaching tasks, this week's Pupil of the Week is awarded to Mleat Abiel. Congratulations, Mleat. Stella 3BDemonstrating the value of resilience by attempting all class work before asking for help. Great job Stella!! 
Nicholas06Cshowing resilience by always trying his best and never giving up while learning.  Fatmata 1Balways being aware of peoples feelings and making sure that no one is left out of a game.
Noah00Astaying focused on his writing task and trying first before asking for help. Keep up the good work Noah!  Nicholas 1Ahelping others during group work and guiding them when his classmates are struggling. It is great to see you taking initiative in your teamwork. Well done Nicholas!
Brooklyn2Bfor always having a go and never giving up. Congratulations on demonstrating resilience Brooklyn! Maxi 3BWell done Maxi for always displaying positive teamwork in P.E. You always show a positive attitude when working with others by sharing your ideas, listening and being a kind to your peers. 
Jelena1AAlways trying her best in Writing and being resilient in her learning. Well done Jelena!                
Faraj1Bnot being afraid to use his creativity, to explore new learning. Excellent Effort Faraj!                




Monday 4th & 11th September


Monday 4th & 11th September