Little Learners 

Take Home Readers and their Importance

It is important that your child continues to practise their reading skills every day.


Reading at home can be taken on in many ways. The text your child brings home is selected by your child. Maybe they selected the text because they liked the front cover, or because they were interested in the title, picture or photograph on the book.


It is important to give your child the opportunity to read their take home reader if they want to. If they don’t, for what ever reason, spend the time with your child and read it to them. Maybe partner read – where you read one page and they read the next.


Be sure to take time to chat about the book, look at the pictures before you read, have a picture chat, look at the sub-headings if it is a non-fiction book. Discuss some of the words in the book and clarify meaning if your child doesn’t seem to understand or make sense of the word. Help your child decode words if they are struggling, using the phonemes to help your child attempt words by segmenting the word - saying each sound the letters make - /r/u/n/ and then blending the word together to say the word ‘run’. 

You could ask questions at the end of the book, clarifying; Who were the characters? Wy did the characters feel the way they did? Where was the story set? Where were they? You could even see if your child could make a connection to the text from their own personal experience or from another text they have read, or a movie they have seen etc. 


Sometimes reading to them is enough!