Y9/10 Be A Vet

Myuna Farm Excursion

A fantastic day for our Year 9 & 10 'Be a Vet' students at Myuna Farm last week, exploring the ins and outs of farm animal diets, digestive systems and getting hands-on with our furry friends. A day well-spent honing the skills needed for a future in veterinary care! 

Student Reflection 

Oliver P
Oliver P

On Tuesday this week I was lucky enough to be able to go on the Year 9 & 10 Be a Vet Myuna Farm excursion. It was a day absolutely filled with interesting facts and fun, and hands on experiences with all different types of animals. From guinea pigs to water buffalo, this excursion covered all bases for anyone looking to learn and get up close and personal with animals. We were taught how to properly prepare and feed the animals, which meant lots of information and advice from our wonderful guide. My personal favourite part was getting to go into the paddock with the deer. Being able to handfeed them was an experience I’ll never forget. Another fun experience was getting to do health checks on the goats and guinea pigs. Both of these included checking their eyes, teeth and fur for signs of illness or injury. We got to milk the goats and treat the guinea pigs for lice, as well as give the guinea pigs lots of cuddles and pats. And with that, our time at Myuna Farm was over. So, back on the bus we got, double-checking we had no “unexpected” stowaways of the cute and cuddly variety, and returned to school.

By Oliver P

Ms Jasmine Delaney & Ms Kar Mun Leong


Ms Delaney
Ms Leong
Ms Delaney
Ms Leong