Year 8 High Abilities

Titanic Exhibition & State Library Excursion

This week our Year 8 High Abilities Wider Knowledge (HAWK) students explored the Titanic Exhibition at the Melbourne Museum and delved into Research Fundamentals at the State Library of Victoria as part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series. 

Student Reflection

On Tuesday the 19th, HAWK went on an awesome excursion to the city. The highlight of the day was definitely our visit to the Titanic Exhibition. We saw real artefacts from the ship and even got to walk through recreated rooms. Each of us was assigned a passenger from the Titanic and we followed their journey throughout the ship. It was so interesting to learn about their job, where they were on the ship, and if they survived the tragedy. 


After the exhibition, we grabbed delicious lunches in the city and then headed to the State Library. We took a tour and heard all about William Buckley's connection to the Wathawurrung people. It was fascinating to learn about his incredible story. We also got to see the massive collection of over 8 million books and documents stored in the library. Overall, it was a super fun and educational day. I loved exploring the city and learning about the Titanic and Australian history. Excursions like this are definitely the best part of school!

By Josh V (Year 8)

Ms Casley

Learning Specialist - High Abilities