TCE English Inquiry Level 3

TCE English Inquiry Level 3
🎓Course Type | Pre-tertiary |
TASC Code | ENT315124 |
TCE Points | 15 |
⏱Hours | 150 |
✔️Standard | Reading and Writing |
📚Prerequisites | Internal - ongoing against criteria |
📎Desirable prior experiences | NIL |
📝Assessment | Internal - ongoing against criteria External - Folio Assessment |
What will I learn?
Students will have opportunities to explore differing points of view and perspectives on social, national and global issues through contemporary Australian texts. They will consolidate and refine their language, literacy and literary skills, knowledge and understanding of English whilst independently inquiring, designing, analysing and creating a range of texts in a range of forms.
Why should I consider this course?
This subject is highly recommended for students who are wishing to consolidate and refine the literacy and language skills needed for everyday contexts. It offers access to diverse and flexible range of learning opportunities suited to their readiness, interests and aspirations and is suited to students seeking to engage with shorter length contemporary texts and folio assessment. There is no examination at the end of the course.
What Skills does this course provide?
Learners engage with language and texts drawn from English and other Learning Areas through inquiry- based learning experiences to:
- Use accurate and effective language to express and develop ideas
- Apply clear communication skills through reading, writing, listening, speaking and representing
- Understand ways in which language is used to influence and engage different audiences
- Create oral, written and multimodal texts that communicate ideas, points of view and/or perspectives on ideas and issues
- Apply inquiry skills and processes to learn through the study of English
- Examine the ways that points of view are presented in texts for different purposes and contexts
- Examine the ways that perspectives are presented in texts
- Investigate and experiment with different ways of representing an issue.
What Pathway Options does this course provide?
The English Inquiry Level 3 course addresses recommendations to improve attendance, retention and attainment outcomes for students in Tasmania, by providing a pathway to success in a wide range of post-secondary pathways. It forms part of the Years 9-12 Curriculum Framework.
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