TCE English Level 3

TCE English Level 3

🎓Course TypePre-tertiary
TASC CodeENG315117
TCE Points15
✔️StandardReading and Writing (Literacy)

For students achieving a B or above in Year 10.

Suitable for Year 11 or Year 12

📎Desirable prior 


Students achieving a C in Year 10 may consider 

English Foundations in Year 11 as a pathway to TCE English Level 3


Internal - ongoing against criteria

External - 3 hour exam

What will I learn?

English focuses on the study of contemporary language, literacy, media and literature. It is designed to develop students' analytical, creative, critical thinking and communications skills in all language models. English develops students as proficient, articulate communicators of English by extending and refining their language, literacy and literature skills. 


Through the study of six challenging texts, students explore representations of concepts, ideas and issues. Further, they learn to evaluate how attitudes and perspectives in texts shape response and interpretation, including their own. Through close study, wide reading, viewing and listening, students engage critically and imaginatively with contemporary, non-literary and literary texts. Students learn to speak and write fluently in a range of contexts and to create visual and multimodal texts, preparing them to adapt to future technological change and communication practices. 


Why should I consider this course?

English Level 3 engages contemporary language, literacy, media and literature through a diverse range of contemporary literary and non-literary texts. It is a similar course to the current Year 10 course.


What Skills does this course provide?

All senior secondary English courses aim to develop learners’:

  • skills in listening, speaking, reading, viewing and writing
  • capacity to create texts for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts
  • understanding and appreciation of different uses of language.

In addition English Level 3 aims to develop learners’:

  • understanding of the use of language for communication
  • appreciation and creation of sustained, interpretive, analytical and imaginative texts in a range of modes and mediums from the contemporary world
  • engagement in analysis, critical and creative thinking, evaluation and reflection.

What Pathway Options does this course provide?

Students that choose English Level 3 in Year 11 may consider choosing English Literature or English Studio in Year 12, especially if they require two years of English for overseas university entrance requirements. Successful completion of English Level 3 prepares learners for the study of English and a wide variety of disciplines at the tertiary level.