

At Friends' we believe that all our students should lead balanced lives and therefore we strongly encourage students to complete either the The Friends' Year 11 & 12 Certificate for TCE students and/or the Creativity, Activity and Service component for IB Diploma students.


The Friends' Certificate 


The aims of the Certificate are to recognise that education neither begins nor ends in the classroom, to complement and balance academic development, to foster student wellbeing and to give practical meaning to the Purpose and Concerns and the motto of The Friends’ School: To Let Your Life Speak. 


To gain The Friends' Certificate a student must complete 150 hours of Creativity, Activity & Service over a period of up to two years. At least 30 hours over two years needs to be committed to each of the following areas: Creativity, Activity and Service (at least 15 hours within the community in each area). Students are responsible for keeping records and writing a reflective essay. 


Year 12 students aiming to receive The Friends' Certificate need to submit their forms and essay by the first week of September. Record sheets need to be signed by the appropriate supervisor. If students require further information about the Certificate they should talk with their Tutor. 


IB Diploma Programme - Creativity, Activity & Service (CAS)


The IB recognises CAS formally as a core part of the Diploma Programme. All IB students participate in the programme, meeting seven learning outcomes and undertaking a CAS project across at least 18 months of Years 11 and 12. In meeting IB requirements, students qualify for the Clemes Certificate and can be eligible for Service Awards. 


CAS experiences are fun and rewarding and complement the academic programme. Students are compelled to engage in new activities, explore their creative side and help others in service. Experiences, especially those involving long running direct service, are increasingly valued by universities and employers.  


IB students maintain a digital portfolio of chosen CAS experiences, on the Managebac platform and have three interviews with a CAS coordinator to facilitate their progress. Year 11 students participate in three school-organised CAS days, which include a rewarding collaboration with students from the Young Migrant Education Programme.