TCE Visual Art Level 3

Image: Elizabeth Scott 2020

TCE Visual Art Level 3 - Art or Ceramics

🎓Course TypePre-tertiary
TASC CodeART315123 
TCE Points15

📎Desirable prior 


Suitable for students who have studied Art in Years 9 and 10

4 Minor Assignments

1Major Research Assignment

Support work

Exhibition of a fully resolved body of work

What will I learn?

Visual Art Level 3 is a course that is designed for students wishing to extend practical work together with analysis and criticism of art. The emphasis is on generating and developing ideas and methods of working that simulate professional artistic practice. Students will be familiar with current trends in Art and will see their own work in relation to the local, national and global cultural context. Art-making techniques will be developed to advanced levels in the student’s preferred medium, in order to facilitate the expression of ideas. Art students may explore studio disciplines as diverse as drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, digital media, video, design, ceramics, sculpture, mixed media and installation. 

Jessica Best 2021
Jessica Best 2021


The course is organised into three modules and consists of two fields of study, practical and theoretical. 

  • Module 1: Visual Thinking – Interpreting Art 
  • Module 2: Investigation and exploration
  • Module 3:  Context and resolution 

A high degree of individual motivation and resourcefulness is necessary for the 

production of a body of work that demonstrates a cohesive development of ideas and refinement of techniques. The course culminates in an exhibition that is externally assessed. 


Paris Menadue 2020
Paris Menadue 2020



Please note:

This course is offered in the Art or Ceramics studio. Students should specify the studio they intend to specialise in when completing their subject choice forms.



Why should I consider this course?

  • Within contemporary society, there is increasing demand for visual literacy and creative and critical thinking skills. Visual Art Level 3 aims to develop these skills in learners through both the creation and refinement of their own artwork and through critical analysis of the works of other artists.
  • Visual Art Level 3 aims to broaden and deepen learners understanding of artistic perception and the application of such understanding in their own and others art making.
Bella Shackcloth 2020
Bella Shackcloth 2020

What Skills does this course provide?

On successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • make informed aesthetic judgements
  • identify relationships of artistic principles in the creation of real and pictorial space
  • recognise and use a range of artistic conventions
  • select and use technologies and refine personal artistic techniques
  • apply elements and principles of design when solving problems
  • analyse and respond reflectively and creatively to cultural influences and art works
  • communicate ideas, emotions and information
  • analyse and evaluate art ideas and information
  • apply time management, planning and negotiation skills to Visual Arts activities
  • create and display a cohesive body of work from one artistic studio.
Rose Castle 2020
Rose Castle 2020

What Pathway Options does this course provide?

  • It is a requirement that learners have successfully completedVisual Art Level 3 prior to studying Art Studio Practice Level 3. 
  • Visual ArtLevel 3 has been developed for learners seeking a pathway to tertiary studies and who are looking to pursue a career within the visual arts and creative industries. 
  • The course encourages learners to develop problem-solving skills together with creative and analytical ways of thinking, attributes that are valuable in any career.