From the Teaching and Learning Deputy

Graham Buxton

Changes to Reporting

As we approach the end of Term 1, we have spent more time as a teaching team considering the ways we can share information with you about your child’s learning. 

In the past, we would primarily share your child’s progress with you through the written report at the end of Term 2.

Written reports are good in that they document the level of your child’s achievement and can give some insights into what they need to improve.

However, this information often comes too late for you to help your child or for them to improve on their grades.

Because of this, we have changed our written report format and our reporting cycle for 2024.


2024 Reporting formats

This year, there will be no written report comments in Semester 1 reports and a general comment in the Semester 2 reports. The written reports will contain one overall grade for each subject.

Instead of written comments, we will be providing additional detail in other ways which will hopefully help you to know earlier about your child’s achievement level and what they could focus on for a higher level of achievement.

Firstly, we have our Parent Teacher learning conversations coming up at the end of this term and a second set of Parent Teacher learning conversations in Term 3. They are a chance for teachers to tell you about your child’s achievement level, their areas of success and their areas for further development, both academically and in their wellbeing.

Secondly, we are expanding our use of Seesaw. Previously we have used Seesaw to share about what has been happening in class, noteworthy events and some sharing about class learning. This element will not change. This year teachers will also be adding more formal work samples sharing along with the snapshots of what is happening in class. This means that throughout each term, as your child completes activities or assessments, their teacher will share some of their work so that you can see how they are achieving against the year level curriculum standard, rather than waiting for an end of semester report.

We hope you find this change helps you to better support your child and understand how they are going at school this year!