

Excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre 

This week the Year 2s went on an excursion to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre. It was amazing to learn about how nature is used to help humans and animals survive. We went for a walk around the grounds and learned about how trees can be used for medicine, cooking, to quench thirst and more! 


God created the Earth and everything living on it. Everything God created was good. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful country and this week I reflected on the importance of respecting and caring for nature. 


“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.“ — Psalms 96:11-12


This verse shows how God’s creation is good and was made for his kingdom and purpose. Nature also reflects the power and holiness of God. God spoke and creation appeared, in all its intricate detail and variety. Only God has the power to create a perfect creation and create the miracle of life.


God created nature for us. It is both a gift and a responsibility. Through our diligence and work taking care of the planet, we are able to continue to enjoy it for years to come and we are showing God that we appreciate his gift to us. Taking time to care for the beautiful place God has given us to live, we can connect with him and his creation on a deeper level.


Please see a blog below written by Carly Jennings which reflects on seeing God in nature:


Devotion written by Georgia Huxtable and Carly Jennings.



Submitted by Georgia Huxtable