RE & Parish News

What's happening in Religious Education and our Parish life...


Our candidates celebrated their First Reconcilaition on Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th March. It was their first of many opportunities in their life to grow closer to God through the healing power of saying "sorry".

Project Compassion

Learn more about Project Compassion here.


Project Compassion is nearly finished (February 14 - March 31st). Many thanks for the donations that are slowy coming in. However, we are far from the figure that we reached last year. This year, we are asking for families and friends to donate via the online platform, rather than the coin boxes (see the qr code below). This will save a lot of administrative work and money handling. We realise that it is a less tangible way of giving, and an extra effort needs to be made in going online but we believe we can still make a difference. 


Thank you for the gold coin donations on Casual Compassion Day. All of this money will go to Caritas too.


If you can donate, or maybe your friends and family can donate, please use the QR code or the link to take you straight to the online platform for our school.

Chocolate at Easter Time

Have you thought about where the chocolate comes from when you are purchasing Easter Eggs?


Do chocolate makers use slave labour to produce chocolate? Do they pay their workers fairly? Do they employ children? Do they maintain the land sustainably? These are all valid questions and the following website rates the companies on how they go with these questions...