Community Information

Signal the bus driver


In today's modern world, it's so easy to put on those headphones, sit at the bus stop, and get lost in your phone while waiting for the bus.


Busways is rolling out a new signal the driver campaign in conjunction with Transport for NSW and will be reminding students and all passengers of the importance of signalling at the bus stop.


It's important to signal the bus driver because:

•    it helps the bus driver know that you wish to catch their bus

•    it supports a timely departure

•    it helps avoid missing your bus



Please remind students who catch the bus to look up from their phones, keep an eye out and signal the driver by raising their hand so the driver knows the student would like to jump on board.


Kind regards,

Busways Customer Experience Team



Tap on and tap off, every time you travel by bus 


Our school is partnering with the local school bus operator, Busways, to support a new Tap On and Tap Off education campaign encouraging students who travel by bus to correctly use their school Opal cards. Busways is implementing this campaign throughout Term 3, 2023. This campaign will focus on a simple message – tap on and tap off every time you travel by bus. 


Why is tapping on and off on the bus important? 


The use of Opal cards is the primary way bus operators and Transport for NSW analyse demand for bus services. When students don’t use their Opal cards, their trip is not recorded. Therefore, buses may appear underutilised. Tapping on and off provides better data to plan better bus services. 


How can you help? 


If your child travels to school by bus, please ensure your child has a valid Opal card (either a School or Child/Youth Opal card). Visit Transport for NSW website to apply for a school Opal card. Students may see onboard bus posters and Busways Community Relation Officers at afternoon loadings. Together let’s get students into good habits of tapping on and tapping off with their Opal card. Thank you for your support with this campaign.