School Information



We have some exciting projects in progress at school and are fortunate that others have also been completed.  Evans High School is grateful for these projects as they continue to improve the learning environment for our students.


TAS Kitchen 


Our beautiful new TAS kitchen is completed and the finishing touches with new furniture will happen on Monday 22nd July ready for our students in Term 3.




School Accessibility


All areas of our school have now been completed with accessible ramping and rails. We are now fully accessible for the first time and able to accommodate all students' needs.




Classroom Blinds


Blinds have been installed in the remaining rooms of the High School and Intensive English Centre. We are lucky to have such beautiful blinds in our classrooms and spaces for our students.




Volleyball Courts Upgrade


Our new Volleyball Courts Upgrade is commencing day 1 of the school holidays. This project is an exciting addition to our sporting facilities with two new multisport artificial turfed courts. We will also have sandstone block retaining walls that double as seating running along both sides of the courts. This project will take approximately 6 weeks to complete, and will have a positive impact on our students who enjoy a competitive game of volleyball.