Principal Report

As you read through this edition of our school newsletter, there is a sense of excitement, high expectations and successes. The Department of Education has challenged us to share our successes, exceptional resources and diverse opportunities for your students across the wide range of academic, physical, social emotional and physical domains.  We are very proud to share our students’ achievements and celebrate them with our community.


You will see the launch of our Friends of Evans later in this newsletter. We are looking for parents and community members who wish to contribute either a regular or an occasional time to continue the building of our school.  You may be able to attend the twice per term regular meetings or participate in events that include election day or Bunnings BBQs and cake stalls, gardening days and some big ideas to elevate our school.  So often parents and visitors come into our school and are surprised and amazed at the quality and resourcing of our learning spaces.  There is a belief, held by some people, that the quality of our learning environment is only found outside the public education sector. So come and join us (in whatever way you can) to continue to build our school – check out the flyers later in this edition!


This year’s HSC students are completing their last term of studies after the holidays before sitting their exams early in Term 4. For some, it is their second round of subjects and, for others, it is their first. Students undertaking project-based subjects will be completing their practical works and essays ready for submission throughout Term 3 whilst also studying their subjects’  theoretical knowledge in preparation for their written exams.  This is a challenging time for students, their families and teachers. Apart from space at home, there is also the school’s Homework Centre and Library as well as Blacktown Library for students to find space to focus on their work. Timetabled school-based tutorials will also be offered throughout the HSC exam periods to keep students connected to their subjects and teachers. Once again, their teachers are their greatest resource and they should access all opportunities to support their success.


Blacktown has always been a centre of cultural diversity and our Evans community reflects that in the events that frame our extra-curricular activities. Our First Nation Student Leaders have been taking an active part in the local Junior Aboriginal Education  Consultative Group, providing a voice for young Aboriginal students whilst building their leadership skills.  Once again, our combined Refugee and Harmony Day was a myriad of colour, music, dance, speeches and food celebrating the diversity of our student body. We welcomed students from local primary schools to share in the concert and food stalls which were a great hit!


Early in this coming term, we will welcome Walters Road Public School as we host their Athletics Carnival. A big thanks, in advance, to Evans PDHPE staff and our senior Sports Coaching students who will facilitate and lead the day.  This is a true example of partnership.


Nerina Pretlove 
