Semper Sursum Awards 

PrB        Frankie Riddle                  Her fabulous focus and whole body listening!

PrB        Barrie Lang                       Making good choices in the yard and classroom.

5/6A      Flynn Brian                       Great peer feedback in writing.

5/6A      Hannah Shepherd           A great effort in cold writing.

5/6C      Jye Niblett                        Continuing to try his best in all areas!

5/6C      Hannah Carroll                Persevering throughout our maths activity on the International Space Station.

3/4B      Grace Harris                     Using great strategies in Maths.

3/4B      River Blacklidge               Making a great start at Gray Street.

1/2D     Rydr Blacklidge                A fantastic start at Gray Street Primary School.

3/4C      Corbin van Dooren          Challenging himself in Mathematics and having such a positive attitude.

3/4C      Lucy Johnson                   Always demonstrating respect and kindness to others.

3/4A      Arwen Davies                  Her joyous participation in all tasks set out for her!

3/4B      Hunter Blacklidge            A great start at Gray Street!

STEM    Madison Douglass          Her great work at using the Ipad to animate her drawing.

STEM    Liam Kenny                       Great problem solving when completing STEM challenges.

STEM    1/2C                                   Their amazing effort when completing STEM challenges!

5/6B      Selina Killen                      Thinking deeply about our novel”War Horse” and sharing her ideas.

5/6B      Jordie Alexander             Sharing insightful and detailed responses in our reading of “War Horse”.

PrA        Polly Broad                       Her wonderful attitude to learning and always displaying whole body listening.

PrA        Addie Kearney                 Always displaying whole body listening and an eagerness to learn. Well done Addie!

1/2B      Henry Wark                      A superstar effort making 2-digit fact families!

1/2B      Caila Murphy                   Amazing work choosing words to make her writing interesting!

PE          Hudson McDonnell         Showing off his amazing skipping skills!!

PE          Tayla Reid                         Being a great leader, always encouraging others to do their best.

1/2C      Hayley Higgins                 Her incredible effort in maths.

1/2C      Fletcher Lyons                 His resilience in reading and being an amazing fluency reading partner.

1/2A      Marlee Riddle                  Her fantastic work in maths and making fact families.

1/2A      Rhylan Kinghorn              His great reading and decoding skills!