Art, Music, PE & STEM

STEM – Term 1, Week 9

This week was ‘Challenge Week’ in STEM.

Classes on Tuesday and Wednesday completed two rotational activities. The first one was where students had to work together in small groups and show persistence and resilience at stacking 10 – or more – cups into a pyramid, using only string attached to a rubber band. The second activity was where students drew a character that they then animated using a website on the iPads. For anyone interested at home, the website is:

It was amazing to see the high levels of teamwork, co-operation and discussions that took place in the STEM classroom this week. 

Well done to Madison Douglass and Liam Kenny for receiving STEM certificates this week. Congratulations to 1/2C for also receiving a class STEM award for their efforts at completing STEM challenges. 


Mr Nolan

STEM Specialist Teacher




Hello everyone, 

This week in Music we all did a final practice of the Australian National Anthem, and I believe we are sounding better at Assemblies.


This week the Preps sang, played, and moved to fast and slow music. 

The 1/2s and 3/4s worked with rhythm patterns, and the 5/6s did some drumming.


The Choir is sounding great!



This week’s class Music Award goes to 1/2A, and the individual awards go to Lachy Hamilton and Scarlett Wade in 1/2C, because they all worked beautifully in Music. 


Thank you,

Mrs Megan Garland

Music Specialist