Stage 2

A message from Stage 2

...and just like that, we have nearly finished Term 1. What a term it has been! 

Stage 2 Harmony Day BBQ

Thank you to everyone who came to our Stage 2 Harmony BBQ. From all reports it was an enjoyable afternoon and students had a fabulous time celebrating the parent-teacher-student community we share. Stage 2 teachers appreciated the opportunity to get to know families and to build stronger relationships. This interaction between home and school is so important and benefits our students greatly. A huge thank you to the P&C for their efforts in helping run the Stage 2 BBQ.


This term in mathematics, students have covered topics including fractions, time, length, addition and subtraction, whole number, and perimeter. They have had the opportunity to investigate concepts and build their knowledge through a variety of research and hands-on experiences. Students have spent time using an assortment of measuring implements, diagramming to solve problems, and have played a range of games to develop their place value knowledge. 


Students have enjoyed learning about narratives and creating their own sequels for Fantastic Mr Fox. They are developing their skills to write entertaining narratives which demonstrate their use of Seven Steps, quality vocabulary, and correct sentence structure.

Lyn Burgess, Elliot Chapman, Lauren Corby, Ben Laurie,  Sue Lye, Anna-Marie Paul and Amanda Swain. 

Stage 2 Teachers