Assistant Principal News
Week 7 Greetings
Last few weeks have gone so quickly with so many exciting events. There’s no doubt our students have been busy and tired as our teachers have been working very hard to organise and prepare all the exciting things happening at our school. I will touch on this in the snapshots from the classroom section below, but I’d like to congratulate our Y3/4 students on their successful camp. They have demonstrated our School Values and represented our school really well. I’d also like to express my sincere appreciation to Y3/4 teachers for their dedication and hard work to make this camp a successful event!
NAPLAN has started this week and the testing period will continue to next week. Please ensure that your child is at school when tests are timetabled, unless they are unwell. 早いもので、第7週目が終わろうとしています。たくさんのイベントを楽しみ、生徒たちは少々お疲れのようです。今週の教室からの風景にも含まれている、3・4年生のキャンプは大変楽しいイベントとなりました。校訓を表し、学校を代表してきた3・4年生の生徒たち、とても頑張りました。また、たくさんの準備を頑張ってくれた先生たち、本当にありがとうございます。また、今週からナップランがスタートしました。ナップランの期間中は、極力家族のホリデーなどで欠席がないよう、ご協力お願い申し上げます。
Japanese drumming Incursion
On Wednesday 6 March, the Japanese Taiko group visited our school and performed some pieces of music for our students. It was a little different from the traditional drumming and their music included different types of traditional musical instruments from Japan. Our students from Prep to Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their performance, particularly those who are in the Taiko Club. I am sure it was quite inspiring!!3月6日に、日本の太鼓グループ、「和太鼓・しん」が本校を訪問しました。伝統的な太鼓のパフォーマンスとは違い、モダンな音楽を日本の伝統楽器を使って演奏してくださいました。プレップから6年生までの生徒たちもとても楽しそうに聞いていましたが、特に太鼓クラブの生徒たちにとっても良い体験となったのではないでしょうか。
Snapshots from the classroom
Here are some snapshots from our Y3/4 Camp! I was fortunate to spend 2 days with our students at Camp Oasis and it was great to see them enjoying different activities. Our students demonstrated a great deal of resilience when they faced an activity or situation that was slightly challenging, including spending two nights away from home! I wonder what their favourite activities were, but they were very keen on giving all the activities a go. Well done, Y3/4 students!!キャンプ場からの風景です。生徒たちとキャンプ・オアシスで2日過ごし、生徒たちが様々なアクティビティを楽しむ姿を見ることができました。強い心を持って様々なアクティビティに挑戦し、2日間お泊りをすることもできました!
In Year 5/6 classroom, they have been learning about the facts of electricity for their Inquiry unit. When I visited their classroom, they were creating a poster to demonstrate what they researched on the renewable energy. Each group chose one renewable energy source and worked together to gather information about it. 5・6年生の生徒たちは、現在電気について勉強しています。私が教室を訪問したときには、「リサイクルできるエネルギー」についてのポスターを作っていました。グループごとにエネルギー源を選び、リサーチをしたそうです。