by Janelle Scott

STEP Anatomy by Dissection


In our Anatomy by Dissection sessions, we explore the anatomy of various animals. From dissecting a squid to an owl pellet, each session offers a unique learning experience.


Exploring organs, tissues, and structures first-hand has increased my understanding and interest of biology and truly made me more interested in the topic. 


Personally, my favourite dissection was the toad, as it allows you to really gain knowledge on the complexities of the entire organism, and it truly fascinated me.


Will Petrovic, Year 8


STEP Superchef


Our amazing Superchef students got to experience some fantastic fine dining when they went on an excursion to William Angliss Institute, they were also able to fit in a stop at Brunetti’s and the amazing array of cakes at Flinders Lane in Melbourne CBD (the cakes were delish!) …we are all very jealous! 


This inspired them to create their own cannoli, muffins and churros at PSC!  Well done Foodies! 😊


Gabi Skaltsis


STEP Robotics 


The students had a wonderful time at Quantum Victoria learning the basics of programming robots to complete challenges. In the afternoon there was a very exciting space exploration themed robot competition. The students will spend Term Two preparing for the RoboCup Regional competition in July.  Nice work everyone!


Ben Loxham



STEP F1 Racing


Our Amazing F1 students are hard at work creating there cars and portfolios for the 3 different competitions – State final, Quantum final and Parkdale final.  There is a lot of trial and error with creating the perfect racing car and there has been some awesome designs.  Keep up the great work team!


Tim Thompson



STEP Yr 8 Coding


Our Yr 8 Coding students are off to a fantastic start.  Here are some quotes from our Coders…


“Sasha – only the best 5 stars!”

“Luca – It gave me 13 migraines but I got a nice battle simulator, so I’ll take that!”

“Georgia – Challenging and fun!”


Next term we are off to the Virtual Room VR experience to learning about VR game design.

Well done everyone! 


Vito Boglietti



STEP Year 7 

Our fabulous year 7 STEPpers have been having a wow of a time with our water rocket challenge, with some amazing Rockets!


Well done and congratulations to everyone for a fantastic effort, and a big thumbs up for our competition winners: 


Distance Challenge : 1st place : Team NO  with an amazing distance of 33m closely followed by 2nd place: Team Splashforce with wonderful distance of 30m  


Accuracy Challenge:1st place: Team Damickey  only 15cm away from the 10m mark 2nd place : Team The Beaver  only 40cm away from the 10m mark.


Branding Challenge:1st place: Team Deranged Garfield - they even had a mascot

2nd place: Team Sharks Away and Team Shaq mnm - great colours and logo


We have also enjoyed our annual Year 7 STEP Astronomy night, although it was cloudy we have an exciting presentation from MPAS (Mornington Peninsula Astronomical Society) and were able to look at things through their telescopes which was great even if they weren’t the stars 😊.


Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the members of MPAS who came along and to Dr Peter Skilton from MPAS who presented on the night.


Janelle Scott 


STEP Forensics

Our Forensics students have been all over the place lately, doing blood spatter, cast making, Odontology, Trace evidence, Witness identification and mug shots!


Can you guess who dunnit from what they created?? We are gearing up to create their own crime scenes next term!  Well done everyone!


Janelle Scott 


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