School Captains' Report

by Ankita, Rhys, Alice & Summer

Hey Parkdale community, Parents and Community, 


Just like that, Term 1 has come to an end! We’ve had a very successful first term as captains and would love to give you an insight into just a fraction of the things that have made this term such a success.


Firstly, we’d like to congratulate all the students on the hard work and effort they have devoted to school this term, smashing out your SACs and CATs in a commendable manner. Sometimes it can be difficult, but we congratulate your resilience and use of the 5 Ps at school this term. 


We also extend our congrats to the SRC team who have worked hard to instigate some wonderful initiates this year, like our partnership with the charity ‘Share The Dignity’, in an attempt to end period poverty. For example, International Women's Day, was a flying success, with the whole school community united in purple solidarity to celebrate women across the globe, through a range of themed activities, and opportunities to get involved. 


Similarly, our swimming carnival was a day to remember, showcasing more than just the aquatic sporting talents of the school, but also talents in many other areas, really reflecting the wonderfully diverse talents and positive atmosphere Parkdale prides itself upon. 


In alignment with our central goal of increasing Parkdale’s sense of community, Open Night, Year 7 Parent Night and our meetings with Tim Richardson MP have been a great way for us students, parents, teachers and the wider community to rally together in the best interest of our students' education. These nights, as well as our involvement in the Gnome and Fairy Festival, were a great opportunity for us to strengthen the relationships we have with the wider community, and we’re excited to build upon these into the second term. 


As a Senior and Junior leadership team, we’ve also been seeking to improve our leadership skills, with the Junior and Senior captains attending the youth leadership conference, which we hope to bring back and integrate into our leadership here at Parkdale. 


We can’t wait for what is to come, and wish you all a well deserved and Happy Easter break.


Signing off,


Your School Captains,


Ankita Mahanty, Rhys Wiggett, Alice Roberts and Summer Bailey