Assistant Principal Report - Junior School 

by Daniel Williams

Primary School Visits 

Throughout weeks 5, 6, 7 and 8 of Term 1, a number of Year 7 students along with Ms Payne and Mr Williams attended information presentation sessions at all of the government primary schools within Parkdale Secondary College’s school zone. 

It was a great opportunity for some of the Year 7 cohort to return back to their primary schools, where they reconnected with staff and students and were able to assist in the presentations that were delivered to the Grade 6s.

Every student who attended did a fantastic job in promoting the school!

Image: Isaac Selby and Kendall Curtis at Parkdale Primary School after giving the presentation to the grade 6 cohort



Monday 27th of March drew NAPLAN testing to a close for 2024. Throughout the 9 days that NAPLAN took place this year, both Year 7 and 9 students collectively submitted 1,641 tests, focussing on Numeracy and Literacy. The behaviour and effort levels of both cohorts were impressive and as a school we cannot wait to have access to the data later in the year. 

A special thank you to Carolyn Evans, who arranged the testing schedule, the staffing and oversaw the running of all of the tests, the IT team who were present for all tests to assist with any computer-related issues, and all of the supervisors, Year Level Leaders and Coordinators who assured the smooth running of the testing sessions. 



I would like to congratulate all parents, staff and students throughout the Junior School for the fantastic start to the year. Despite Term one being an action-packed term for all year levels, there has been a calm atmosphere which has allowed for a fantastic learning environment to flourish.


I hope you all have a great Easter holiday. Stay safe and we look forward to having everyone back for Term Two.