Assistant Principal Report Senior School 

by Aaron Petersen

As we wrap up an eventful Term 1, we take this opportunity to reflect on the vibrant and dynamic period our school community has experienced. It has been a term filled with notable achievements, memorable events, and significant milestones that have enriched our students' academic and social lives.


We recently celebrated the much-anticipated Year 12 Formal, an evening that shone with the glamour and excitement of our students dressed in their finest. The joy and laughter shared set a positive tone for the year and highlighted the importance of social events in fostering a sense of belonging and community.


Academically, our students faced the first round of assessments with commendable determination and resilience. These assessments are crucial in setting the academic pace for the year and helping students identify their strengths and areas for improvement. We are incredibly proud of the effort and dedication displayed by all students during this period.


Term 1 also saw our athletes make a splash at the House Swimming event and excel in the Senior Sport Round Robin. These events not only showcased the exceptional talent and sportsmanship within our school, but also emphasised the value of healthy competition and teamwork.


During this past week, 8 students from Year 10 and 11 represented the college at the International Women's Day Forum hosted by Sonya Kilkenny, Minister for Planning of Victoria.  The forum featured a meaningful discussions about gender equality and empowerment. 


Our Open Night was another highlight, offering prospective students and their families a glimpse into the vibrant life of our school. It was a wonderful opportunity to showcase our academic programs, extracurricular activities, and the warm, welcoming community that makes our school unique.


We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all parents who attended the Parent-Teacher interviews. Your engagement and feedback are invaluable to us. These meetings are a vital communication bridge between home and school, ensuring we are aligned in our goals for your children's education and wellbeing.


As we look forward to the next term, we are excited about the opportunities and experiences that lie ahead. Together, we will continue to support our students in achieving their best and fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment for all.


Thank you for your continued support and partnership.