Science Fair

Parkdale Secondary College Science Fair 2024
The Year 9 Enhanced Science class is working hard to organise a school-wide Science Fair that will also include a primary school division. This is an optional competition where students can submit science-based experiments, writing pieces or art/photographic pieces to be judged. The winners of each category/age division will receive a prize and title to recognise their effort. The fair will be held during Science Week on the 15th of August.
We are organising a Project Showcase on August the 15th, during the afternoon and evening, to show off the wonderful work submitted for the competition. Everyone is welcome, including parents, friends and siblings.
If you are interested in signing up for the competition, entry forms will be available at the PSC Front Office, IT area and from your science teacher. There will also be an online entry form available soon.
If you know of anyone who might be interested in supporting/donating prizes to the Science Fair, or have any questions, please contact the Year 9 Student Team via one of the staff members listed below.
Melissa Treverton –
Sarah Tilmanis –
Julie Mullins –
Good luck!
Laura Tulloch & Emma Yoon and the Year 9 Enhanced Science Class