VM news

by Kerri Fulton

It has been a very busy this term in the VCE-VM and Vocational area:


White Card Training

Our second session of White Card (CIC) Training, was held on Friday 1st March. All of the Year 11 students that did not currently have this certificate, were given the opportunity to complete this qualification on the day. Well done to all of the students who completed their White Card. Once again, the provider of the certificate was extremely impressed with how our students participated on the day.


First Aid Training

On Tuesday 19th March, our Year 12 VCE-VM students completed their First Aid training. This certificate will be extremely important for all of the students to have when they are in their workplaces and is also an essential life skill. Well done of your concentration and persistence on the day and in successfully gaining another qualification towards your future pathways.


Victorian Careers and Employment Expo

On Friday 15th March, the Year 11 VCE-VM students attended the Victorian Careers and Employment Expo. This Expo was held at the Melbourne Show Grounds, and we have to thank the BGKLLEN for providing us with a bus to attend the event. This was very much appreciated. The students were able to visit exhibits on all different pathways and ask questions and gather information. This was also an activity that helped the students meet their WRS outcomes for VCE-VM.


BGKLLEN Industry Careers Expo

Thursday 21st March saw our Year 10 Vocational students, visit the BGKLLEN Expo. Here they were able to visit many different exhibits and gather information and ask questions about potential future pathways. Well done to all the students for their excellent attention and participation on the day. Once again, thank you to BGKLLEN for providing a bus to transport our students to the event.


Big Issue Classroom

On Tuesday 19th March, our Year 11 VCE-VM students visited the Big Issue Classroom in the city. This excursion was linked to the student’s work that they had been completing in literacy on the topic of ‘Homelessness’. The students visited the Big Issue Classroom, where they had a lesson on the associated issues, listened to a guest speaker and took part in a number of activities. The students also took part in a discovery activity in the CBD. Well done to all the students who should maturity and respect during this activity, thank you.


Year 12 Circus Skills

As part of the Year 12 Literacy course, students have been learning about procedural texts. Over two sessions the students participated in circus skills with Ms Williams (a trained circus professional), which required them to follow verbal procedures. They then selected a newly learnt skill to construct a procedural text, using the editing process. The skills learnt on the day were juggling, plate spinning, hula hoops and aerial acrobatics. A huge thank you to Ms Williams for providing the equipment and training.