
by Toshie Shimazoe-Grizelj

Japanese Language Assistant:


We were fortunate to have Miss Haruka Kobari work with us at Parkdale Secondary College as a Japanese Language Assistant throughout Term One this year. Miss Kobari is a university student from Tokyo, Japan, and volunteered her time working with the students and staff at Parkdale Secondary College. She supported our students in the practice of their Japanese conversation and created many materials for our Japanese classes. We wish her all the best in her future studies and career.



Message from Haruka Kobari:


Thank you very much for term1. I was impressed that each student had their own opinion and will and did not hesitate to try. I thought that they were able to do so because of the atmosphere of respect for others and acceptance of different opinions. Such an atmosphere is essential, so I hope the students will continue to cherish it. As I am studying word usage and Japanese education at university, it was interesting to see how students learn and memorize new grammar, and how they use words. During the classes, I found that some students praised each other when they got correct answers or gave supportive comments for saying wrong answers. It was so heartwarming and touching to see how they naturally say positive words to others, so I will keep in mind to do that. I hope that you will come to love Japan and Japanese even more.