Careers news

by Laura Della Fortuna

BGKLEN Industry Careers Expo


On Thursday, 21 March, our Year 10 Vocational students visited the BGKLEN Industry Careers Expo, hosted by Beaumaris Secondary College.  They explored various industries, apprenticeship opportunities and further study options with enthusiasm and curiosity, connecting with local businesses and employers, and gaining valuable insights into their chosen fields. We were very proud of their proactive approach, and their readiness to explore the range of rewarding careers represented at the expo.



Year 9 Morrisby Profiling


The Morrisby Profiling Program is a comprehensive assessment tool tailored specifically for young learners. It goes beyond traditional career guidance by providing personalised insights into students' strengths, interests, and aptitudes. By understanding these factors early on, students can begin to explore potential career paths that align with their unique talents and aspirations.


Through a series of engaging assessments, students will gain valuable self-awareness and insights into various career options. The program will help them identify areas of interest, potential areas for growth, and the steps they can take to achieve their goals. Additionally, it will empower them to make well-informed decisions about subject selections, extracurricular activities, and future study or vocational pathways.


Phase 2 is set to begin in the final week of term 1 and continue into term 2. This will involve students with completed profiles having a personalised one-on-one session with a Morrisby Career Consultant. We encourage parents and guardians to discuss the findings of the Morrisby Profiling Program with their child, offering guidance and support as they explore their options. By working together, we can help our students make the most of this opportunity and set them on a path towards a fulfilling and successful future.


We recognise that each student is unique, and their journey towards discovering their interests and strengths may vary. We are committed to providing ongoing support and guidance throughout this process. The Pathways team will be available to assist students in exploring potential career pathways and setting achievable goals and we look forward to the Year Pathways/Course Selection Preparation Day in Term 2. 


We look forward to seeing our Year 9s embrace their potential, pursue their passions, and welcome your feedback on how we can further improve the preparation and delivery of our Morrisby program.