Building and Grounds News

School Gates

School Council is responsible for all matters relating to the CSPS Buildings and Grounds. School Council continues to engage in rigorous discussion per the pros and cons of locking gates during extended break times eg. long weekend and term breaks  More information to follow.

Gaga Pit

A Gaga Pit was installed this week, just to the side of the hardcourt area. This has been installed through the funds raised by the PFA.

It was greeted with much excitement on Friday with Year 3-6 students being rostered on to play in it over the day.  There are some simple and more complex rules; we are starting with simple.   Next week, year level groups will have different times to play in the Gaga Pit.  

Gaga is a form of dodgeball  that is played in a “pit”, an octagon shaped court, hitting and rolling the ball with their hand to eliminate other players. When players are hit below the waist, they are out, but players can always re-enter the game by catching a ball from the sidelines.

Gaga Pit rules

  1. All players start the game by holding on to the edges of the pit
  2. 1 player standing in the middle throws the ball up in the air
  3. When the ball bounces once everyone yells "Ga"
  4. When the ball bounces twice everyone yells "GaGa" and can rush to the ball to hit it with their hand aiming to knock out other players
  5. If a player is hit on the waist or below they are out
  6. If a player hits the ball out of the pit they are out
  7. If a player who exited catches a ball on the fly out, they can re-enter the game
  8. You cannot pickup the ball
  9. You cannot kick the ball as this counts as below the waist contact and means you are out
  10. You can dribble the ball for just 3 seconds
  11. Last player is the winner