Principal Class News


COMPASS Calendar of Events


It is a sad state of affairs when you speak with people about this topic.  More often than not, someone is either directly or indirectly impacted.  

Schools are well placed to identify family violence risk, respond to disclosures, and support affected students and families.  

The Respectful Relationships whole-school approach recognises that schools are a workplace, a community hub and a place of learning.  As a school, we play a vital role in modelling gender equality and respectful relationships.  

CSPS accesses numerous Family Violence Supports to help us, help you.

CSPS prides itself on being there for you.  

Please always know you can reach out.  

Monique Corcoran & Karen Halket   


I just want to say thank you for the opportunity to spend 2 days and 1 night assisting the amazing teachers and parents on the Year 3&4camp.

I am privileged to have been allowed to assist, meet the amazing teachers and wonderful parents of other students and develop friendships thtat I will cherish.

The students were just sensational working together, respecting one another and listening to all directions - parents should be very proud.

I am so grateful my granddaughter is part of this amazing school.

Looking forward to more opportunities to support when I can when the opportunity is available.

Feeling much pride for the students and staff of this amazing school.

Grandparent X


I appreciated the opportunity to go on camp this year and experience the children spreading their wings and achieving things they wouldn't in their normal lives.

The entire group of volunteers and staff were amazing and worked so well together.

Personally, I had a wonderful time. 

Grandparent Y

Feedback from the community

At CSPS we always strive to adopt practices that best address students' learning needs. Homework, or home learning, is one of many areas we continually review to ensure students are receiving authentic opportunities to extend their learning.  We encourage your honest and open feedback to provide a clear picture of your priorities, concerns and ideas on the topic of Home Learning.  Through consultation with a working party, we have put together an online survey that will be the first step towards improving our home learning practices.  We very much appreciate you taking the time to provide us with feedback, so we can continue to develop meaningful approaches to support students and families.  Responses are anonymous and confidential, with the results discussed with the Home Learning Working Party in relation to forward planning.

Please see below a link to a Community Survey about Homework at CSPS.  



Mrs Katelyn Watkins and partner Sam have welcomed baby Louis John Allen into the world on 11th April at 6pm.  We cannot wait to cuddle Louis when we formally introduce him into the CSPS family.