Parents & Friends Association News

PFA Events Calendar

Mother's Day celebrations


Friday, 10 May 2024

Breakfast 8.15-9am

Stall All day

Hot Dog DayFriday, 31 May 2024
DiscoFriday, 14 June 2024

Father's Day celebrations

- Stall 


Friday, 23 August 2024

All day


Pizza DayFriday, 20 September 2024
Choc Top DayFriday, 9 December 2024

Colour Run Update

The colour run  was a huge success with the fundraising being $15901.12 after the fees and prizes we are left with a total of $11,130.18 for the school to use towards resources and equipment.

Prizes will be distributed to classes at the end of next week, so make sure you bring a long a bag to bring your child’s prizes home in.

Can you help the PFA?

Throughout the year the PFA hold a lot of fundraising events to help raise money for our wonderful school.  Many of our prizes/gifts are donated by businesses in our wider community, Cranbourne and beyond.  This year we would like to reach out to our school community, if you have a business or skill set that can contribute to our prizes we would love to hear from you.  All donations received will be advertised on our Facebook page, thanking you for your generosity.

Mother's Day Breakfast

Inviting all Mums, Nans, Aunties, Step-mums and special people to come along to enjoy a light breakfast in the kitchen/courtyard on Friday May 10th from 8:15am.

In order to cater accurately for this event, please complete the online form.


To RSVP for breakfast click here

Mother's Day Stall

Our well stocked stall will run all day on Friday May 10th, in the multipurpose room. Please pre-purchase your children/s vouchers on Qkr! avallable now.


We will also need volunteers for breakfast and the stall so please see the sign up sheet. Must have working with children check and completed health and safety induction.

Mother's Day Raffle

We have some amazing prizes for our mother’s day raffle, tickets are available now on Qkr! at just $5 per ticket.  We will have sooo many prize winners and plenty of wonderful items!


Do you have any questions about fundraising, events or how to get involved?