We are here for the community

School Council met on Wednesday 27th March 2024 onsite.  Some notables discussion points include: 

  • Change to School Zones - refer to Find My School 
  • Year 6 - 7 transition DET update
  • Education Report - Maths focus
  • Compass Learning Tasks update
  • Attendance Action Plan
  • First Community Briefing publication and feedback
  • Photographing, Filming and Recording Students policy updates
  • Buildings and Grounds update including the installation of the Bike Shed
  • Term 2 Working Bee date TBC
  • School Gates discussion per the pros and cons of locking gates during extended break times eg. long weekend and term breaks
  • Fundraising inc Year 6 Easter baskets
  • PFA raised funds - installation of Gaga ball pit

DRAFT #1 of the 2023 School Annual Report was tabled 27th March.  The FINAL copy will be tabled at the Annual General Meeting Wednesday 8th May at 6.30pm.  CSPS community is invited to attend.  

Note:  School Council are required to hold a public meeting annually to report on the proceedings of council for the period since the previous public meeting, present the Annual Report to the School Community.

Child Safe (CS) Actions for School Council 

School Council plays a crucial role in upholding and monitoring Child Safe standards. 


CS Standard 2: Child safety and wellbeing is embedded in leadership, governance and culture

  • Approve the Child Safety Code of Conduct (actioned by Prin and SC)
  • SC approves the Code of Conduct to the extent that it applies to school council employees (actioned by Prin and SC)

CS Standard 6:  Suitable staff and volunteers

  • Ensure DET recruitment policies and practices are followed and appropriate records kept (actioned by Prin and SC)
  • The SC ensures that DET recruitment policies and practices are followed and appropriate records kept in respect of school council employees (actioned by Prin and SC)

CS Standard 8: Child safety knowledge, skills, and awareness

  • Ensure at least annually, the SC receives appropriate guidance and training about:
    • individual and collective obligations and responsibilities for implementing the CS Standards and managing the risk of child abuse
    • child safety and wellbeing risks in the school environment
    • the child safety policies, procedures and practices of the school (actioned by SC)

CS Standard 9: Child safety in physical and online environments

  • Ensure procurement policies for facilities and services from third parties ensure the safety of children and students (actioned by Prin and SC)
  • The SC , where applicable to their powers and functions, ensure that procurement policies for facilities and services from third parties ensure the safety of children and students (actioned by Prin and SC)