Year 6 Interschool Sports Day

Last week, on the 19th March, all our Year 6 students travelled by bus to various venues around Melbourne for our Summer Sports Round-Robin day. We competed against other schools from our local sports district.


We had teams competing in cricket, volleystars, hockey, softball and basketball. The captains of these teams delivered excellent presentations at assembly this week, describing the enjoyment and successes we shared.


Congratulations to the girls’ cricket team and our volleystars team. These two teams won their premierships, making their way to the final and defeating their ultimate opponent. All our other teams were very competitive.


By all accounts, our behaviour, sportsmanship and competitiveness were exemplary at every venue and we can all be proud of the manner with which we represented Gardenvale Primary School. Thank you to Mrs Travis, all the Year 6 staff and the parents and volunteers who made this wonderful event possible.