Student Awards

Students of the Week

Hudson B, 2B - for being an awesome member of 2B.  Hudson, you consistently show kindness and exemplary manners.


Milos S, 6A - for being such a great team member at interschool sport last week, and for being an all-round super kid.



Lucy M, 1B - for doing an amazing job at being 1B's student representative. We're lucky to have you! 


Quinn W, 3C - for consistently demonstrating self-responsibility, resilience and respect for others in the classroom and playground. Congratulations on a terrific first term of Year 3!


Green HERRRBY Award 

Ariya P, PB - for being a Clean Up Champion and making sure our classroom is always neat and tidy. Thankyou for helping. 



Josh H, PA - for concentrating really hard to complete tasks to the best of your ability. What a superstar!!


Scottie K, PA - for participating so well during literacy. We love how you can give an example of a noun and a verb. Well done!


 William P, PB - for your amazing effort and completion of Maths work you have shown so far- it is impressive! Keep it up Superstar!


Oscar B, PC - for his excellent participation and enthusiasm during classroom learning. We love how you can decode and blend your sounds. Keep it up Oscar!


Harper H, PD -  for writing sentences independently that contain, who, what and where facts. You are a creative and exciting writer!


Max W, 1A - for the improvement in his oral reading and his thoughtful contributions to his reading group. You are a star Max!


Ethan H, 1B - for showing respect to his teachers and classmates by always using his manners.


Owen R, 1C - for demonstrating a “can do” attitude towards all his classwork. You should be most proud of what you have done this term. 


 Audrey J, 1D - for being an all-round superstar.  You always try your best to be a respectful and responsible member of 1D.  Keep up the great work!


Ollie G, 2A - for such an amazing Big Write about superheroes. The vocabulary you used was outstanding and the story was riveting!


Adele Z, 2C - for being a role model to other students. You always contribute great ideas and have an excellent attitude to all learning tasks. Keep it up!


Shiloh S, 2D - for her positive attitude, helpfulness and kindness towards others.


Xola G, 3A - for settling into GPS so well. It is like you have been here forever. You are a star!


Zara M, 3B - for generously bringing in Hamantaschen and sharing about Purim with 3B.  


Ben V, 4A - for always being a kind and considerate classmate especially when he went to clean up the Library and help Sharon without being asked. 


Lenny A, 4B - for being an efficient and motivated worker who is always first ready for Maths Clinics!


Amelie Y, 4C - for using her senses to ‘build the tension’ when writing about cross country. Well done!


Gwen F, 5A – for fitting into her new class with ease and approaching every task at camp with positivity! We’re so glad you joined 5A, Gwen!


Ishaan N, 5B - for producing work of a high quality. Well done Ishaan.


Isabella H, 5C - for being an amazing leader and a super supportive friend when her friends needed help on school camp.


Harriet C, 5D - for being a thoughtful, caring and mature member of 5D and putting your best effort into everything you do!


Jessica W, 5D- for being so enthusiastic and positive at camp and giving everything your best effort!


Josh L, 6C - for outstanding leadership at the Year 6 Round Robin day.


Japanese Ninja Star Awards 

Week 8

Rayan G, 3C - for being great at figuring out Hiragana and helping their team a lot during the group activity. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Audrey C, 4B - for your hard work and dedication, along with your ability to follow instructions. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Week 9 

Grace S, 5A - for working diligently and finishing tasks on time during the Japanese lesson.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Ryder M, 6C - for showing your good understanding of Japanese grammar structure and writing sentences very well. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Week 8

Bill M, PC - for demonstrating good Japanese skills and showing good manners during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Cassie P, 1B - for being an active participant and showing great Japanese skills during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Kyrah K, 2D - for showing good manners and trying her best during the Japanese class.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Week 9

Morgan R, PB - for demonstrating good Japanese skills and showing great enthusiasm during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Amalia M, 1D - for being a cheerful participant and showing great Japanese skills during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Bardia K, 2A - for participating actively in various activities and showing his best during the Japanese class.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"