Principal's Report

Year 6 Sport

Last Tuesday our Year 6 students competed in a Round Robin Sports Day against 7 schools in our network. Of course, the students all tried their best and enjoyed the day. What we are most proud of is however, not their sporting prowess but their sportsmanship, exemplary behaviour and encouragement of each other! 

Congratulations to the Girls’ Cricket and Mixed Volleyball Teams, who both won their district championship and will now represent Balaclava in the division championships!


Bush Bash 

A reminder that our Annual Whole School Bush Dance is taking place tomorrow at the Senior Campus under the COLA from 2.15pm. Students are asked to come to school dressed in their bush dance gear - jeans, check shirt, denim skirt or shorts. Parents and Grandparents are most welcome to come along and watch as the students perform the dances! Children are asked to bring along a gold coin donation for the Cancer Council Victoria.


SRC Book Sale for Mrs Grant

The children are having a lovely time purchasing books from the Book Sale today. Thank you all for your generosity in donating books and then sending along money for the children to purchase books! What a kind community we have!! 


Firstly, a big you to Charlie (5D) and his mum, Camilla Dessau Chia for their initiative behind this wonderful fundraising event that also fits perfectly into our sustainability mantra.  Thank you to Miss Garrett, Mrs Smith and all the SRC students for organising this fundraiser for Cancer Council Victoria. Finally, we thank Rochelle Ades, Henrietta Bird, Camilla Dessau Chia, Marlane Kiner, Tara Wood. Lauren Metcalf, Alla Sandler, Briony Power, Catherine Hayler, Elise Paige, Esther Lauretti, Elka Voight, Louise McKee, Mackenzie Leier, Calley Kefalianos and Ayse Ozturk for sorting the books and assisting today in the Book Shops!!


Crazy Sock Day

Thank you to all our families for getting behind World Down Syndrome Day. Also thank you to Mrs Powell for facilitating our school to be involved and supporting this special day! Our playgrounds certainly looked extra bright last Thursday with the array of colourful socks! 


School Council

The Annual General Meeting of the School Council will be held tonight Tuesday, 26th March at 7.00pm, in the Senior Campus staffroom. All Gardenvale PS parents are most welcome to attend. 


This Thursday is the last day of Term 1 and the students will be dismissed at 2.30pm.   A reminder that the first day of Term 1 for students is Monday 15th April. 


Wishing all our families a most enjoyable and relaxing holiday break.


Janine Hall
