Kitchen and Garden & Sustainability News

Grade 1's in the Kitchen

Last week we were very excited to welcome our Grade 1’s into the kitchen.  This was a fun introductory lesson for our emerging chefs!


To practice our measuring and reading recipes the Grade 1’s made playdough for their Investigation sessions.  There was lots of enthusiasm as the ingredients were brought together and a rainbow of colours were added.  Our playdough was made perfectly with lots of wonderful measuring.  Well done Grade 1’s.  We loved having you in the kitchen!


This week’s recipes included pita bread made from scratch and filled with potatoes and herbs, a zucchini slice and a zucchini and apple cake to use up our huge harvest and a slaw for our weekly salad. 



Please check out our Term 1 Kitchen Garden Timetable if you would like to volunteer in our classes

Jam and Chutney Crew

We would love to start up a Preserving team who is available to come in a couple of times a term to whip up some jam or chutney at times of high harvest. 

If you are interested in being part of this group, we would love to hear from you!

Please or

Garden News

Gee it was a hot weekend! Our garden survived thanks to the amazing work our year 4's put in to prepare it for the hot weather. Our students worked like busy bees watering and mulching so that the soik was protected and our veggies had a good chance to survive.

We also have a fabulous team of volunteers who have helped the students with their tasks. They also went above and beyond to help over the weekend by popping in to water and check on the chookies.

The little bit of rain we received this week will really help settle things down and rince off the dust.

Bellarine Agriculture Show Colouring Comp Winner

Congratulations to Jamie who was the winner of the family pass to the Ag show. Unfortunately they show had to be cancelled to the extreme hot weather. This was to protect the animals and those attending.

The great news is that this familiy pass is going to be honored for next years event so Jamie hasnt missed out.


Seedling Foster Program

Last week our seedling foster program kicked off and we have 10 amazing families who have taken some seedings home to look after until they are ready to plant in term 2.

What is a seedling foster program you ask??!! Well, it is where the a class plants up some seeds during a garden session or lunch club and we ask school families to take these seed punnets home and 'foster' them, nurturing them until they are ready to bring back to school to plant.The best part is that your child doesnt have to be participating in the garden program to take advantage of this program, so that means even our foundation families can help out in the garden by 'fostering' some seedlings :)

We have developed an instruction and data sheet that will help you with looking after them and the children can also participate in the growing by documenting the plants growth and taking photos.I have attached a copy of the fostering form so that you can see how it all works and what is expected.It is such a fun way to continue learning at home for our students and you're also helping us to grow successful seedlings to plant out in The Patch.If you are interested in joining this fabulous new program, please come and see my in the garden or email me at

No experience in growing is necessary!  If you are not sure, please please please reach out and I will help you through the process!!

Thanks for your support of the Kitchen & Garden Program



We are in need of some garden helpers please. You dont need to be a gardener you just need to want to help and have a spare hour or half hour to help. The weather has encourged the weeds to grow and also patches of the garden are a little dry where the sprinklers dont quite reach.

Please contact me if you can help in any way! .au 

Earth Hour

Earth Hour is coming up on Saturday 23rd March. People all across Australia will be switching off electricity at 8.30pm for 1 hour.  Earth Hour has been going since 2007 with now 190 countries participating.


Surfside’s Environment Club, Sustainability and Kitchen Garden Captains have decided to run their own Surfside Earth Hour next Friday 22nd from 9.45-10.45am.  Electricity will be turned off all over Surfside for this hour.  We look forwards to discussions around reducing non-renewable energy sources and the importance of taking time away from screens.