Junior School Notices

Assembly Awards
ANZAC DAY March – Thursday 25th April
Calrossy marches as a whole school along Peel Street as part of the town ANZAC Day Parade. Students from Kindergarten to Year 12 are warmly encouraged to march with the school. Prep students may march with an older sibling, staff member or friend, by pre-arrangement. K-12 please meet on Bourke Street at 9:30am. Students wishing to march MUST be in full winter uniform with hat. Students may also march in surrounding towns, near their homes. Prep in sports uniform with play hat. K-2 in winter uniform with navy woollen jumper and play hat. Yr 3-6 in winter uniform with blazer and dress hat.
If you have a child who is eligible for Prep or Kindergarten in 2025, places at Calrossy are filling quickly and you will miss out if you do not have an application in. Children who are currently in Prep, have a guaranteed place in Kinder, you do not need to re-enrol. Please let us know at your earliest convenience if you do not wish to take the position in Kindergarten. Link to enrol: https://www.calrossy.nsw.edu.au/
- To be eligible for Prep 2025, you must be able to go to school in 2026, ie turning 6 in 2026. - To be eligible for Kinder 2025, your child must be turning 6 in 2025.
(Children born before July 31st, may start school if they are 4, turning 5).
Mother's Day
Please save the date - Friday 10th May. Commencing at 8:30am with morning tea on the veranda of the Hall, followed by 9:15am Assembly and classroom visits afterwards where the students will provide a handmade gift for their mother. Invitation to come, we hope you or a special lady in your child's life can attend.
Yr 2 Swimming
HEADS UP - Swimming Lessons for Year 2 will commence at 360 Pool in Term 2 and all Year 2 students are required to have a pair of school swimmers. School Swimmers are compulsory for students in Year 2 and above and are required for swimming lessons, carnivals, camps, and excursions. Please ensure you have a pair, or purchase these through the uniform shop during the holidays in preparation for lessons to commence early in Term 2.
Esteem Kids After School Care
Please contact William Wong on 0410841628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book.
Esteem Kids Vacation Care
Care will be available during the holidays. Please contact William Wong on 0410841628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book. Esteem will be operational as follows: Week 1 - Monday 15th - Friday 19th April Week 2 - Monday 22nd - Wednesday 24th April.
Little Learners Club
Recommencing in Term 2 on Friday 10th May, then every Friday during the term. This is a wonderful way for students transitioning to Prep or Kinder in 2025 to get
to know the school environment, meet some new friends and have an enriching play experience in school setting. Children who are ages 3-5 can attend, along with their siblings and parents stay for the duration. 10:30am - 11:30am. Bring your own morning tea to have at the conclusion.
ESTEEMS KIDS After School Care
Please contact William Wong on 0410 841 628 or info@esteemkidsgroup.com.au to book. Students must be booked in by midday, for on the day bookings.
Dates Coming Up
- Saturday April 13th- Sunday 28th April: School Holidays
- Thursday April 25th - ANZAC Day March, Peel Street, Tamworth
- Monday April 29th - Term 2 Commences
- Wednesday 1st May – Whole School ANZAC Day Service
- Friday May 3rd – HRIS Cross Country
- Friday May 10th– Mother’s Day Celebrations
- Tuesday May 14th – GRIP Leadership Conference – Yr 6 Leaders
- Friday May 24th– JS Athletics Carnival for Yrs 2-6
- Friday May 31st – Kinder Night Out
- Friday May 31st- Community Prayer Breakfast
- Wednesday July 31st - Junior School Photo Day
Contacting the Junior School
The easiest way to contact the Junior School is via email or phone juniorschool@calrossy.nsw.edu.au or 5776 5100 and press #2.
Please check the Junior School Notices on the HUB, they are updated
Uniform Shop Holiday Trading hours
The two days we open during the holidays tend to be extremely busy. Where possible if you are requiring new winter uniforms we suggest doing so before the end of term 1.
Yours sincerely
Gillian George
Noone Retail Manager