From the Head of Junior School

A truly wise person uses few words: a person with understanding is even-tempered. Proverbs 17:27
Over the last fortnight of the term, and aptly timed, our focus has been on self-regulation. When we are tired and are ready for a break, we must remember to self-regulate. With the children we have focused on understanding and managing our own behaviours and reactions. Self-regulation helps us to behave, get along with people and complete tasks. It is hard and takes practise but vital.
As we approach the holidays, our routines relax and our days change. Things are different and this is great. This is a chance to practise self-regulation and manage our behaviours and reactions to things big or small. Holidays also provide the time to talk to our children about the way things work – don’t miss the teachable moments.
We look forward to seeing as many of our students in winter uniform and hat, at the ANZAC Day march in town, on Thursday 25th April. We have been preparing for this at school, through Library and PE lessons and have had a local veteran visit Assembly to talk to the students about the significance of ANZAC Day and marching. Please see the Notices for more information.
Have a wonderful and refreshing break.
Claire Smith
Head of Junior School