From the Principal  

 Mr David Smith

Term 1 Thankyou

Thankyou to the entire Calrossy community for your extraordinary contribution to what has been a busy, demanding and yet in many ways fulfilling Term 1. There have been peaks and troughs, wonderful moments of celebration and also times of disappointment. This is because we are in the ‘people’ business, shaping children and young adults to be the very best versions of themselves. We are seeking to grow “Creators of Hope and Change that matters!” In our Year of Courage, we seek for our children to try hard things, move out of the their comfort zones, to be prepared to do things differently and grow in their understandings.


The partnership between school and home is part of our strategic goal of ‘Learning in Partnership’. Despite some challenges I am aware of many successes and some great stories. Growing young people is a process that is rarely linear, taking effort and sometimes coming at a cost to parents and teachers. Around the school I have noted this week that staff and children are physically exhausted and mentally tired and worn out, deserving of a good rest. May this take place over the next two weeks.


Teacher support in providing “Excellence in a Christian environment” is not lost on me and I am very grateful for the contribution of our staff throughout Term 1. I trust and pray that the holidays afford teachers, parents and children with rest, enjoyment and a different pace of life. May you be safe during that time, enjoying God’s blessing of rest and rejuvenation. 


“They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint” Isaiah 40:31



Today we farewell Mr Mark Ambrose, as he leaves Calrossy. Mark has been a stalwart of our School, serving in many ways over time. His contribution as Leader of Wellbeing, as an outstanding classroom teacher, coach, mentor, advocate for students and leader has been highly valued. I wish Mark every success as he leaves and thank him for his very significant contribution to Calrossy over many years.



It is a favourite thing of mine to meet the buses as they return from trips away. The students are normally tired but grateful for their experiences. They and the staff are often exhausted, though content with their experience. I offer my thanks to the staff this week who participated in supervising Year 6 to Canberra, Year 8 to Pindari Dam, Year 9 to Sydney and Year 11 to Emu Gully, QLD. (Special note to Mr and Mrs Rundle who celebrated their 18 Wedding Anniversary around 1000 km apart in different states, with their daughter away on another expedition). I was delighted to receive positive feedback from each of the trips, even personally observing Year 9 firsthand for the first two days of their Sydney visit. All the reports were that our students were fabulous in their participation and were a credit to Calrossy. Our Expeditions are an important aspect of the School experience in promoting resilience, teamwork and independence. 



Whilst our School ANZAC Commemoration will take place early next term on Wednesday 1st May, all students are invited to be part of the TAMWORTH ANZAC Day March on Thursday 25th April.We will meet in Bourke Street on Thursday at 9.30am, wearing full winter uniform, including blazers and dress hats (no caps or bucket hats to be worn please). Our Secondary Captains will represent all Tamworth Schools that day in laying a wreath at the Tamworth Dawn Service and then represent Calrossy at the official ceremony in the Tamworth Town Hall, after the March.

Students from other centres are able to March in their home towns, also in full uniform, including hats.


Calrossy Sport Lunch 2024 – Don’t Miss It

Early next term, on the 11th May we have our Annual Sports Lunch and I am delighted that we have secured Dawn Fraser AO as our guest speaker. In my view, Dawn is up there as one of the best sporting stars ever developed in Australia, having won individual Gold at three consecutive Olympics. It is an enormous coup for Calrossy to have a speaker of Dawn’s calibre with us. It will enhance our recognition of our talented student athletes across a variety of sports. Tickets are on sale via QKR! and the funds raised from the dinner will be supporting future student funded tours. Thank you to our supporting partners, Count – Financial Map and Bath Stewart and Associates. We look forward to an enjoyable event with a legend of Australia’s sporting history.


David Smith
