Middle School

Health Life Days

Friday 15 March Backhouse and Oats and Thursday 28 March, 8B & 8E are participating in the Healthy Life Connections Day, engaging in some introductory sports sessions at the Kingborough Sports Centre. The sports sessions include:

  • Gymnastics / Trampolining
  • Indoor Cricket
  • Table Tennis

 Please contact Nicola Collins, if you require any further information.

Upcoming Outdoor Education for Year 8

A reminder that Year 8 students are participating in their Outdoor Education unit at the Styx Valley and Tasman Peninsula between Wednesday 20 March and Friday 22 March. Students are to be dropped off by parents at Bell Street at 8.30am and we ask that they are collected at 3.30pm. More information available in Operoo.

  • Wednesday 20 March - 8A & 8D
  • Thursday 21 March - 8B & 8E
  • Friday 22 March - 8C & 8F

For more information please contact Middle School Office.

Campus Crossings

With the cooler, potentially wetter weather on the way please support students to have a raincoat and a protective bag for iPads, laptops and other learning materials for campus crossings.

Hobart Rivulet Ecostudy Walk - Year 7 Connections Day

Fry and Penn: Friday 15 March 

Mott and Walker: Friday 22 March  


Students will be participating in a day-long walk along the Hobart Rivulet.  The day will have an environmental science focus. Students will conduct environmental surveys at 4 - 5 sites along the Hobart Rivulet.  Students should arrive at school at the usual time and will travel by bus to Strickland Falls. Students will be transported back to school after pick-up from Molle Street at the end of the day for usual dismissal times.


On the day, students should wear sports’ uniform including a hat and a waterproof coat.  Students should also bring any personal medications, and sunscreen. A change of shoes or gumboots is also required. Students will need recess snacks, lunch and a drink. As this trip is a full day in the field, please ensure that students have packed plenty to eat and drink.  A clipboard and pencil will also be required.


Please contact Nicola Collins, if you require any further information.

Middle School House Book Donations - Library Aid International

To show gratitude for the wonderful new library space at the Middle School, the Student House Leaders are launching a book donation drive for Library Aid International. Library Aid International Inc is a not-for-profit, non-government organisation which provides used books and educational materials to improve literacy and educational outcomes and life opportunities for children in disadvantaged schools in developing countries. 


Donations can include books for students aged 3 - 16, educational books and general school supplies. Each House has set up a collection point in the Middle School Library, and the race is on to see which House can collect the most books to donate! 


Donations can be made until 15 March to the Middle School Library.

The Middle School House Pantomime

Friday 31 May | 6pm

Hot off the press, the news is out! The Middle School House Pantomime will be the night of nights for House spirit and frivolity. Student House Leaders drew their fairytale out of a hat at the Middle School Assembly, and performances will be as follows:

  • Hodgkin: Cinderella
  • Ransome: Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
  • Unwin: Jack and the Beanstalk
  • Mather: Hansel and Gretel

Written with a Friends’ school twist, House Panto promises to be a School event not to be missed!

Middle School Office

Phone: 6210 2235

Email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au