Year 3 Specialist News - Term 2

Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central idea:
Yolngu people in Arnhem Land, Australia, live by the seasons and their deep connection to their land.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- How Yolngu artists express their cultural traditions and stories through their artwork
- The symbols and motifs commonly used in Yolngu art
- The traditional artist techniques and materials the Yolngu artists employ in their work
- How these techniques contribute to the cultural significance of their art
Key Concepts:
connection and function
Learner Profile Attributes:
respect and responsibility
Students Will Create:
- Cool Weather Season ‘Yekke’- A Barramundi inspired by the technique and pattern of traditional Arnhem Land Bark Painting
- Early Dry Season ‘Wurrkeng’ – Circular Weavings in wool, looking at traditional works that use Pandanus
- Harvest Season ‘Bangkerreng’- Clay Birds with a focus on pattern and texture applying modelling skills
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central Idea:
Cultures change over time
Lines of inquiry:
- Stories, artefacts and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture
- Impact of Settlement on Aboriginal community
- Materials change over time
change, perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
Students Will:
- Explore the range of materials Indigenous people use for implements and tools.
- Experiment with the decomposition of materials, the absorbency of materials, insulating materials and the tensile strength of materials.
- Plan and conduct fair testing experiments in collaborative working groups.
Transdisciplinary Theme:
Where we are in place and time
Central idea:
Different cultures use music to tell the stories of their people in different times and places.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The importance of country and place to Aboriginal peoples
- Stories, artifacts and histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Culture
- Impact of settlement on the Aboriginal community
- Cultures tell stories
- Imaginations can be created with music
- Musical interpretations are up to each individual’s discretion.
Key Concepts:
change, perspective
Learner Profile Attributes:
Students Will:
- Explore modern Australian Indigenous Music
- Explore styles such as Funk, Calypso, Hoedown and Boggie-Woogie
- Create verses for songs and rhythmic ostinatos
- Move in response to different styles and mood in music.
- Improvise rhythms on drums
- Develop their music terminology as they express their perspectives and feelings about music
- Create and perform individually and in groups
- Recognise and perform syncopation and off beats, using body percussion and instruments
- Recognise and perform simple riffs and loops using voice and/or tuned instruments.
- Become more open minded as they explore songs, music and dance through different contexts (genres, times, places and purposes)
- Form a connection and understanding of remote communities, as they work towards a whole school performance, to raise funds for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation
Physical Education
Transdisciplinary theme:
How we express ourselves
Central Idea:
Students express themselves both physically and emotionally when creating a movement, sequence or skill.
Lines Of Inquiry:
- The way we develop movement sequences or skills as a form of our own creative expression.
- The way we use gestures and non-verbal cues to communicate our emotions through our movement.
- Bringing our own culture and personal beliefs into movement expressions.
Key Concepts:
Connection- how do we link our movements with how we express our emotions?
Form- can we create a movement that relates to our emotions?
Learner Profile Attributes:
communicator and risk taker
Students Will:
- Incorporate aspects of physical fitness into warm up activities for cross country
- Refine the Fundamental Motor Skills of passing and catching in modified invasion games such as handball and basketball.
- Introduce the concepts of attacking and defending and moving into space during modified games.
- Gymnastics skills to develop combinations of movement through flexibility, strength, rotation and balance with personal expression
- Beginning to develop skills in athletics