Principal's Message

School Philosophy
Orchard Grove Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing environment that engages curiosity, promotes learning, personal growth, and well-being for all students. We strive to develop adaptability and resilience so students can become valued members of the local and global communities and be prepared for future life experiences.
From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 2!
It has been a busy start to Term 2 here at school, colour runs, cross country and Spanish celebrations to name just a few!
Thinking back briefly to the end of last term - the easter raffle raised $1750.00 which is just wonderful - thank you to everyone for their donations and the PTFA for organising the prizes.
Back to this term - a big thank you goes to Jarrod Liston for our Cross Country Day here at school. Congratulations to our winners for not only winning here at school but also representing our school at the District Cross Country race yesterday. Orchard Grove came third overall amongst the schools, a result we are very proud of.
What a great day our Colour Run day was! Thank you to the PTFA and Melissa Crozier for their work in creating this amazing event. The weather was fantastic and the students all had a wonderful time. Thank you also goes to all the parents who helped on the day and the 19 teachers who were all slimed in a fitting finale to the afternoon.
I would also like to thank Carla Melo Perea for our inaugural Saint Jordi Day and for organising the sharing of roses and swapping of books. Thank you also goes to Tulin Koc for organising a visit where we could further learn about Ramadan and Eid, and in advance to Pierre Douvartzides who is organising Greek Easter at assembly this Friday.
ANZAC Day was once again remembered by our students, with our ANZAC Day service - thank you to our JSC representatives and Abbey Papailiou. Our school leaders also attended the Shrine of Remembrance for the Legacy School ANZAC service on behalf of the school and selected Year 6 students attended the RSL Box Hill Student service.
Congratulations to Sadia, the state champion in the 50m backstroke and runner-up champion in the 50m freestyle in her age group! What an amazing effort! We are all so very proud of her.
On a final note, I have received an email from the Principal of Aurora asking me to remind the community to observe access points and refrain from using their car parks.
Michelle Ogilvie