Spotlight On

SLSO Conference


On the first day of this term, Anson Street School hosted a conference for School Learning Support Officers (SLSO) from our school and many local schools. We had over 150 people engage with workshops throughout the day. Twenty-one workshops were offered across three sessions, with presenters from our school therapist team, executive, School Counselling team, teachers and Support Officers from our school. 


I was very proud that our school was able to support the learning of so many people who directly support 100s of children with diverse learning needs, across our local public schools. 


The opportunity to meet with and share ideas and knowledge with people from other schools is not often available to our SLSOs, so we hope to offer more workshops in the future. 


A huge thank you to Mrs Corrina Pearce, our Executive Assistant who largely organised the entire conference, including the catering and communication to all the schools. Our Administration Team also supported the event by putting together resources and helping with the management of the conference on the day. 


I thank our presenters Mrs Bec Bouffler, Mr Lawrie Agars, Ms Giovanna Cox, Ms Edwina Brennan, Mr Liam Low, Ms Tenielle Thwaites, Mrs Jennie Kempson, Mrs Michelle Maunder, Ms Nadia Fathinia, Mrs Jenny Rosser, Mrs Jodie Pritchard and Mrs Julie Hudson for their thoughtful and engaging presentations. 


Melanie Meers



School attendance

In the last week of Term 1, I was delighted to hold several morning tea presentations for excellence in attendance. As we had so many students who had reached the target of more than 95% attendance, I divided the morning tea into stage groups so that I could congratulate the students and present them with their certificates. 


I'm proud of the students who attended the special morning tea with me and thank parents and carers for supporting the school in getting their child to school each day. 




Melanie Meers
