Inside the Classroom

Early Primary

Class 5 have been exploring numerous learning areas, so far this term, with a focus on fine motor skills.  These skills encompass the coordination and control of small muscles in the hands and fingers, enabling children to perform essential tasks such as writing, drawing, buttoning clothes, and manipulating small objects. By honing fine motor skills, children enhance their ability to engage in intricate activities that promote cognitive development, creativity, and self-expression. Fine motor skills lay the foundation for academic success, as they are closely linked to literacy and numeracy skills. 

In mathematics class 5 students have been exploring numbers and patterns, using real-life objects to create patterns, along with practicing reading, writing and counting.


Class 10 is back in the groove for Term 2! Making significant progress with a range of learning activities such as music, regulation, literacy and PE/H/PE lessons focusing on dental hygiene. Students are relishing the opportunity to forge new friendships and make the most of the sunny weather before winter sets in. 

Class 11 has been actively engaged in the exploration of story sequencing, collaboratively retelling familiar narratives. Alongside this, students have been diligently honing their social skills and teamwork abilities across various subjects within the classroom environment. Recently, the class had a visit from Mr. Muddle , a not so-expert in measurements, who sought their assistance in determining appropriate measurements for height, depth, and length. Fortunately, the students of Class 11 were able to lend a hand, showcasing their proficiency in mathematical concepts.


Upper Primary

Students and staff in Upper Primary have returned to Term 2 ready for learning. The classes have created beautiful gifts to celebrate Mother's Day and had a fantastic day at the Athletics carnival in week 2. Classes have been enjoying the weather and making the most of playground times and class outings.

Class 6 are working hard in the classroom and accessing other areas of the school such as the gym and the Engine Room. They have been participating in regular cooking lessons and enjoying eating new foods.

Class 8 have enjoyed accessing the Retreat and having a relaxed treatment after working hard in their class.

Class 12 have been learning about healthy habits in PDHPE including cleaning their teeth. They have been exploring Aboriginal culture in History. The students have enjoyed visiting at the chickens at Anson Street School Farm during science lessons.  

Class 13 have been working on a range of learning tasks in the classroom. 

Stage 4

Students have returned to school ready for further learning which builds on from last term. To finalise their study of local communities students visited Lake Canobolas Reserve. Here they tested and discussed the accessibility of the different locations, features and equipment around the reserve. 



In addition students have visited the Art Gallery, Museum and Elephant Park as well as finding items for projects in the classrooms. During some class outings students have come across a number of older Anson Street students out in the community with carers and family. This has been a tremendous talking point and good connection for our students both past and present. The three classes continue to participate in their mandatory subject rotations in Science, Technology and Geography. This has allowed students to be taught by different Stage 4 teachers and everyone has enjoyed the variety. 


Stage 5

It's wonderful to welcome back our students for another exciting term of learning. At the conclusion of Term 1 our Auslan class presented by sign the song "Fireworks" by Katy Perry, entertaining all secondary students and staff during the Secondary Assembly. 


All Stage 5 students actively participated in our annual athletics carnival held at school, experiencing and enhancing their abilities in both track and field events. While a select few students recently representing Anson Street School at the NSW CHS Swimming Championships in Homebush, refer to Mr. Tabbernor sports coordinators report for further details.


Students from Class 17 have had opportunities to experience different challenges which are presented in both The Engine Room and The Zone, which is designed to push their comfort levels, while acknowledging and celebrating their successes.


In Science, students in Class 18 have displayed their creative side, with amazing creations which visually display the layers of the earth within the new topic Earth's Fragile Crust.

In Mathematics students have commence a new topic which a focus on Angles. They have been drawing connectivity with why and where angles are used in everyday life and industry.  


In Class 19, students have combined Science, Mathematics and English together to create bright candles for Mother's Day, ideal timing and wonderful results.


During Skills House sessions, students have had the opportunity to work towards enhancing their resume writing skills via targeted planning, exploring finer details relating to Tax File Numbers and requirements for a NSW driver's licence.


Stage 6

Students in Class 7 have been focusing on Home and Work skills. Home skills are hanging washing on the line, folding washing, matching and folding socks. For work skills students have practiced shredding and sorting and matching screws to a chart and packaging them. Alyssa was smitten when she spotted the giant dolly in the Skills House bed.

The athletics carnival in week  was very successful for all out students. Students participated in all events with big smiles and earning many points for their houses. There was great sportsmanship and house spirit amongst all students and great encouragement by our sports house captains. 

Class 3 students have been working hard and having fun with Mrs Cooke. Students have enjoyed interactive learning with the online quiz Kahoot, Using the interests of the students, which provided lots of fun for the students completing the quiz. Class 3 engaged very well and had alot of fun! 


We also had the incredible opportunity to watch our fellow students at the state championships for swimming. Gathering around smart board cheering our peers, there was such an amazing atmosphere in the room. We are so proud of them. 


Orange Learning Centre

What a great start to the term! We have welcomed new students into the Tutorial program as well as had some very successful transition days back to students' home schools.

Zane has joined us in Class 21 and Lilly and Jason are experiencing success as they start to return to their high schools.


Class 21 has been out and about exploring the streets and parks around the school as well as learning some valuable navigation skills. The boys have been reading online maps and then transferring the skills and knowledge to make connections to their community.



Zane is working super hard on improving his reading skills and is increasing in confidence every day.





Felicity has enjoyed learning through the Mini-Woolies program and Emily and Lilly are developing an understanding of the importance of exercise in maintaining a positive mindset.

We are also excited about our new mural on the outside wall of The Zone. Whilst it is still a work in progress, here's a sneak peek. Stay tuned for the finished product in the coming weeks.