Anson in Review

ANZAC Day School Ceremony

We held a beautiful ANZAC Memorial Service led by our school leaders at the end of term one. We thank our special guests Bugler, Derek Johns; Pipe Major, Tim Arnott; returned service men and women, and representatives of the Orange Ex-Services Club.

Lest we forget. 

Jodie Pritchard

Deputy Principal

ANZAC Day Community March

Thank you to the students and staff who represented our school in the ANZAC Day Community march held during the school holidays. The students displayed great respect in honoring all those who have served our country.

Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus

Orange Show entries

We won first prize at the Orange Show for our dark honey! This year was the first harvest of honey from our flow hive. Clever little bees! Our art entry also won first place! Thank you and congratulations to all involved.


UpStage Performing Arts workshops

Students had fun participating in singing, acting and dancing classes in week 3 with the help of the UpStage Performing Arts crew. It was great to see the creativity and imagination shine from all students as they enthusiastically participated in warm ups, skill development and performance.

Julie Hudson

Deputy Principal